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Re: [ga] DNSO Secretariat

Roberto and all,

> If we don't take geographical difference into account, at least to a
> extent, we will found ourselves with a logistic infrastructure for ICANN
> its SOs that will be more and more concentrated in certain areas rather
> others. And this will deepen the digital divide even more.
> Anyway, I don't have a practical solution. I just hope that people like
> Cabase, that have the technical competence, an efficient/effective
> the willingness to support the process, *and* are located in an area of
> world (LAC) that does not contribute to the ICANN logistic infrastructure
> (if I am not mistaken), will consider applying for the bid.
> (Or any other applicant outside NorthAmerica, where already too many
> are located, or Europe, that just had its turn)
> In hope for this, I put my friend (and your NC colleague) Antonio Harris
> copy.

I support Roberto's comment on "substantial gepgraphical diversity"
which has been abused in the ICANN process.

Thank you,

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