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[ga] (Rules)Excercising control over content of posts?



Some lawyer may shed some insight here but the way I read the cases
cited above combined with Mr. Mclaughlins ICANN forum comments regarding
censoring on ICANN lists, this is an inappropriate activity.

I believe we could make some good use out of the monitors by redefining
their task to one of intermediary to immediately privately let the
rantor (often myself) know that the post(s) are out of hand, first
privately and then publicly.  I have to say that I have read the
comments regarding my posts and suspension and agree with every
criticism of my posts. I would rewrite and unwrite most. Had Mr.
Svensson simply admonished me in a neutral manner I would of corrected
any stupidity.

Censorship in any of it's forms is wrong.  The stifling of the quest for
knowledge and understanding, is one of the worst sins one man can commit
against another.  Our Internet should stand for the exact opposite.

At one point I almost decided to withdraw off the lists completely for a
time as I saw the issue of my suspension begin to cause what would be
even more derisiveness in the GA.  That would have been wrong, and as it
turns out I was wrong in my assessment, this has brought many who
disagree on much together to agree that censorship is bad. (and another
thing; that most of my posts stink up the joint ;-)

I will submit through this full list, a draft for new rules for list
monitors, If there is benefit to be found in it I am sure you good
people will give it the attention that it needs.

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