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Re: [ga] (Rules)Excercising control over content of posts?

Please join us in the GA-RULES to continue this fine discourse.  However your
points are so well put that I will respond here.

The general problem exists between two to thirty seemingly non compatible
perspectives that we all are a part of all to some degree.  I for instance am a
policy wog and my bent is that of dot commoners.  Mr. Flemming on the other
hand is a technical genius of some sort.  Some of us live and work in a world
where the *F* word is common.  Some of us would never let someone who used that
word in their house. Now throw in about 30 prevailing common languages. Mix in
some age and geographic differences. Don't forget some liberal and conservative
spice and I am sure you get the picture.

Which one of these perspectives is right and which one should be banned?  All
and None.

It is perfectly good and right that we should confront this problem at the time
we prepare to chose our representative seats.  I believe I paraphrase a quote
from  Ho Chi Minh correctly in saying *it is the diversity in people which
makes life so worth living*.

In furtherance of this I am formulating a method for appointing our choice
where one of us will be placed as our representative as the assistant to
someone to Southeast Asia, Vietnam is my obvious choice in order to get the
diversity of representativeness off to a good start. A trustee while we get
someone from there up to speed so they can kick some ***** as our
representative. ?????

(sorry for the noise for those of you who dislike these non technical/legal
humanism type posts)

Dassa wrote:

> |> Censorship in any of it's forms is wrong.  The stifling of the quest for
> |> knowledge and understanding, is one of the worst sins one man can commit
> |> against another.  Our Internet should stand for the exact opposite.
> <snip>
> I always find it interesting that people cry out about censorship and
> limiting free speech on one hand but call for list decorum and polite
> behaviour from all participants on the other.
> Life is not a free for all.  We all have rules that we live by.  Some
> people live under far stricter rules than others.  However, in every case,
> we are all bound by those rules.
> If those that are claiming the suspension of Eric as being censorship wish
> to really stand behind that conviction then they should also be willing to
> abolish the rules of the GA Mailing List and make it truly a forum for free
> speech where there are no posting limits and no means to control any
> personal/public abuse that may be posted.
> Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

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