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[ga] Roberto reelected - to support what?
All the best and all my trust to Roberto.
Bravo to DPF. His positions as well as Joop's positions should be taken
into account since Roberto said he want to represent the positions of the
GA. It is very positive to see that the ticket is by people having said
they only wanted to serve. Thank you to both.
Now, if the "representative approach" has won, it is interesting to see the
distribution of the ideas.
48 Members are supporting the positions of Joop 59%
41 Members the positions of Kent 51%
37 Members the positions of Eric 46%
Joop's crusade for IDNH is therefore well supported, but not unanimous yet.
Kent is often objected but slighly more than half of the active Members
support his analysis, but probably less his conclusions.
What is important IMHO is the 46% of Eric. All the more than some of his
posts may have not desserved him: his "dotcommer" point of view is
obviously not a minoritary point of view. It would be interesting to go in
more detail to see if his supporters are the same or not as Joop. But
obviously both Individual "constituencies" - Domain Name Holders and
Internet Users - are a leading concern among us.
On 22:13 11/07/01, DPF said:
>On Wed, 11 Jul 2001 21:52:10 +0200 (MET DST), DNSO Sec wrote:
> >A. The final result:
> >
> > Roberto Gaetano is elected.
>Well done Roberto. An excellent result and you have my full support
>and confidence.
>ICQ 29964527
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