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Re: [ga] MOTION - Moving Discussion Off the GA List

How will it be determined when a matter at the GA-RULES level is acceptable
criteria for review by the full GA?

Derek Conant
DNSGA President and Chairman

Patrick Corliss wrote:

> The folowing motion has been proposed, seconded and amended.
> (1)    The GA list should be reserved for substantive issues relating to DNS
> policy.  All debate relating to rules, lists, protocols, procedures, etc.
> should be debated on GA-RULES.  However, subscribers to GA-RULES may
> refer issues to the full GA for a determinative ballot or follow such other
> prescribed procedures that have been adopted by the General Assembly.
> (2)    The list rules should be amended to include the exact wording of (1)
> above.
> As this motion has generated significant support, I would now ask that it
> be submitted to the DNSO Secretariat for a formal vote.
> Best regards
> Alternate Chair
> --
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