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Re: [ga] Consumer/Registrant Protection Consitituency

On 08:21 01/08/01, Kent Crispin said:
>It is a sad irony that those who most vociferously complain about ICANN
>exceeding its mandate as a technical coordinating body are precisely the
>ones who exert the most pressure for it to become a global internet
>governance organization,

How true. Questions are: why? what ca we do?

>with large scale global elections and an
>elaborate representational structure that some have compared to the UN.

I am afraid this shows that such individuals are also Members of the
the USG, Staff and BoD, otherwise we would not be in the present

>It is a great pity that those individuals, some of whom are otherwise
>quite intelligent, are simply oblivious to the intrinsic contradiction
>in their position, and to the inevitable consequences of that

True. But I am afraid some are not oblivious, but quite aware of what
they do. Hence at our level the only response we have which is to try
to delay their efforts at maximum, giving natural market and technical
forces time to take over.

I accept this is not exciting. If you known another strategy, please


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