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RE: [ga] Re: [announce] NC telecon 16 August 2001 - agenda


On Wed, 1 Aug 2001, Roeland Meyer wrote:

> Since DNSO funding comes from ICANN, DNSO doesn't have it, but ICANN does.
ICANN doesn't funds DNSO.  DNSO funds comes from constituencies and more
recently, an iniciative of Voluntary Funds has being launched (hope DNSO
can get donations)

> Since video conferncing is one of those things where costs scale up with
> service, there may be an issue here. But, ICANN doesn't have to pay union
> scale, so what's the problem? Any video is better than no video.

I though we was talking about audio only.  Have you ever realized that
sometimes members of Names Council, at the time of the meeting, not always
are they in their office where they can use their computers to engage in a
videoconference?  Many of them use the telephone, for example.
But you are right, ICANN neither DNSO, neither constituencies has to
search expensive services for videoconference. There are tools that are
free for use to make videoconference.  The Non-Commercial Constituency has
being using VRVS and succesfully setted it up in Melbourne and Stockholm
meetings ( http://www.vrvs.org ).  Maybe you want to take a look to it and
contribute with more ideas.

Best Regards

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Nilda Vany Martinez Grajales
IT Specialist
Sustainable Development Networking Programme/Panama
Tel: (507) 230-4011 ext 213
Fax: (507) 230-3455
e-mail: vany@sdnp.org.pa

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