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Re: [ga] Re: [announce] NC telecon 16 August 2001 - agenda

Hi Brett:

I assumed that when it was talked about "webcasting" is to the ability to
witness by Real Player (or other web tool) the Names Council teleconferences
(adding to the fact that you have recorded many of them and made it available
to listen, and your contribution is very appreaciated for sure).

And, I am agree with you also.  Webcasting no need to be expensive.  But  the
natural provider of webcasting because they have a server for it, to DNSO, is
the Berkman Center, that's why I made such a reference.

I have some ideas.  As I said in a previous e-mail, the NCDNHC has implemented
succesfully twice a system named VRVS which is free for the Non-Commercial
Purpose and anyone can access it at http://www.vrvs.org


"Bret A. Fausett" wrote:

> Nilda Vany Martinez Grajales wrote:
> > In my personal concept, the DNSO shouldn't increase the expenses.  A
> > webcasting (only audio) have high cost because it would imply to hire the
> > Berkman Center (they don't do this for free) and it would imply some
> > thousands dollars for sure.
> The audio from virtually every Names Council meeting over the last year has
> been available in a downloadable mp3 file from my web site. I've always
> posted a link to the General Assembly list within a few hours after the call
> has concluded. They've been of varying quality, but they are usually
> sufficient for following the issues and staying up to date. The mp3 webcasts
> are not available in real time, but the meetings aren't participatory for
> non-NC members either, so a delay of a few hours should be acceptable.
> I usually keep the most current meeting linked from the main page of my web
> site (http://www.lextext.com), and I think links to many of the recent calls
> are now available off the main DNSO page (http://www.dnso.org). Because of
> space considerations on my server, I'll be taking some of the older ones
> off-line over the next couple of weeks (but anyone who wants an archived
> copy for research can ask and I'll e-mail you a copy).
> I started doing this as, to borrow a phrase, "proof of concept" that
> "webcasts" for listen-only, non-participatory meetings need not be
> expensive. The costs involved are simply an external microphone, software
> that records audio into mp3 format (or will convert into mp3 format), and a
> web server. I think the proof of concept has been a success, and it's my
> understanding that some of the bidders to take over the DNSO Secretariat
> function offered to perform this service directly (which I welcome!).
>        -- Bret
> (By the way, I don't believe that I will be able to provide this service for
> the 16 August 2001 conference call. I'll post something here in the next
> couple of days though, so GA members can make alternative arrangements if
> necessary.)
> --
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Nilda Vany Martinez Grajales
Information Technology Specialist
Sustainable Development Networking Programme/Panama
e-mail: vany@sdnp.org.pa

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