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[ga] Amadeu on leave...

Hi all,

Well, the timing seems really unfit but... I'am leaving today for some
holidays. I'll be back next Friday, for just one day, before going to
Brazil form the 17th to Spetbember 3rd.

I'll try to check email this week (thru a not very reliable 9600 GSM
modem....), and will certainly dowoload it all next Friday. From that
on, I do have no idea (it depends on the willingness of hotel phone
switches to let me thru....). From August 23rs till September the 3rd it
is nearly sure I will be offline, though....

It seems like I won't be campaigning that much, which I think might be
good ;-))) I just sent some answers to the questions posted by the GA
Chair) some days ago, and taht will be all for the moment (just seen
that he has sent some more questions, this time of a rather different
nature. For my education, Danny: are these yur own questions, questions
made by other GA members, your recopilation of what you think GA would
like aksing ...... ?).

I hope nobody takes this as a lack of respect towards the elctoral
process. For one thing, I am curently a Board member and my activites,
ideas and attitudes should be somehow known to the DNSO.... And I will
try to deal with as many questions as I can (for instance there is a
telconf scheduled with the IPC next Friday... precisely the day I come
back to Barcelona  before leaving for Barzil, and therefore the only day
I will be able to attend one......).

This is the first time in five years I have something like holidays, and
the cocmination of my wife's and my doctor's forces will not be
overturned by any electoral process ;-))

If you are sending questions, please make sure you copy my email addres
<Amadeu@nominalia.com> as I will unsubscribe from GA (ans most other
maillists) while travelling (reading the  web archives is more useful in
these cases than trying to dowload hundreds of mails....).

Best regards, and will (try to) keep in touch ;-))


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