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Re[2]: [ga] Re: Documentation request

Monday, Monday, August 13, 2001, 5:20:41 PM, Joanna Lane wrote:

> on 8/13/01 7:12 PM, Peter de Blanc at pdeblanc@usvi.net wrote:

>> If and when a set of documents to form the idho, or whatever it evolves
>> to be called, with aa significant number of persons and organizations
>> signing off on it (more than 100)
>> I would endorse it for presentation to the ICANN board.
>> Peter de Blanc

> Peter,

> Using Best Practices

You mean your draft of your opinion of what Best Practices may be.

Let's be clear that your drafts are merely your own suggestions for
procedures, but in fact are not the procedures of the GA, and as such
have no relevance.

Since this is a discussion of rules, hasn't this subject been declared
verboten by our alt-chair (who has been conspicuously absent of late)?

Best regards,
William X Walsh <william@userfriendly.com>
Userfriendly.com Domains
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