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RE: [ga] Re: Documentation request


Regardless of your comments about number of ccTLD's participating, that
has little to do with what I said.

When I said "100", I said persons or organizations signing off on a
document. Surely you have 100 persons to represent an IDNH constituency.
You should have thousands!

Peter de Blanc

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-ga@dnso.org [mailto:owner-ga@dnso.org] On Behalf Of
Elisabeth Porteneuve
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2001 9:00 AM
To: Mueller@syr.edu; ga@dnso.org; pdeblanc@usvi.net
Cc: DannyYounger@cs.com; philip.sheppard@aim.be
Subject: RE: [ga] Re: Documentation request

"Milton Mueller" <Mueller@syr.edu> wrote:
> Are there more than 100 organizations actively represented in the 
> ccTLD constituency?
> (We both know the answer is no - about 30
> actually participate).

==> You are icorrect Milton.

    We had 95 ccTLD Registries contributing to ICANN (sending money,
              more than 1 million USD, all from foreign countries)
    We had 98 ccTLD Registries voting in our elections
    We had 70 ccTLD Registries physically represented at Geneva meeting
              last February

    If you consider in domain names or in population of countries
    from which ccTLD Registries come, and which Local Internet 
    Communities they represent sometimes, the active participation
    is approximately 99 percent.

    Elisabeth Porteneuve
    ccTLD NC rep

> >>> "Peter de Blanc" <pdeblanc@usvi.net> 08/13/01 07:12PM >>>
> If and when a set of documents to form the idho, or whatever it 
> evolves to be called, with aa significant number of persons and 
> organizations signing off on it (more than 100) I would endorse it for

> presentation to the ICANN board.
> --
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