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RE: [ga] Re: Documentation request

On 22:25 14/08/01, Peter de Blanc said:
>Regardless of your comments about number of ccTLD's participating, that
>has little to do with what I said.
>When I said "100", I said persons or organizations signing off on a
>document. Surely you have 100 persons to represent an IDNH constituency.
>You should have thousands!

Dear Peter,
the outreach effort to get one person is very costly to non profit benevolent
people. While it is not cost for you as a paid ccTLD. As you obviously are
willing to cooperate could we make a proposition to you?

When ccTLDs register a new DN they could inform the DN holder that
the ICANN is the organization supporting the Internet and that DN Holders
are going to be represented. It could then propose the new Registrant :

- check a box if he wants to be informed - less tha 4 mails a year.
- fill in an edit box about any suggestion he might have
- check a box if he wants to participate into the IDNHC Mailing list

Where is the most appropriate place for a new DN holder to know
about all this than on your site.

Joop, is there anything in your plans which would prevent you to
give an IDNHC partner label to ccTLDs, Registries, Registrars and
Resellers. I would certainly put one with a link to an IDNH page/form.


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