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[ga] Jefsey and intellectual property.

(Change of subject because this really doesn't have anything to do 
with .info any more.)

On 2001-08-15 18:39:48 +0200, Jefsey Morfin wrote:

>3. UDRP should be a tool to remove user confusion not to settle
>    disputes.

Maybe I'm a bit dumb - but it's still a dispute resolution policy, 
that is, by definition, a tool to settle disputes, isn't it?

>4. Pragamatic and fair solutions should be favored, such as 
>    calling on a randomly chosen wide user jury rather than on a 
>    single panelist. The size of the Jury (250 more accounting for 
>    the various languages and cultures).

How do you want to recruit the jurors?  This doesn't even look close 
to being realistic or practicable.

>5. Realistic policy should be carried and TM protection should be 
>    discussed with every TLD Manager, including those the ICANN has 
>    not yet got the time to register.

Could you please be a bit more specific on what you are talking 
about here?

(Oh, while we are on the topic of non-ICANN-TLDs - what's your 
current opinion on .biz?  Which one should be put into the USG root, 

>6. Bold attitude should be developped over the defense of 
>    authoring rights preventing linking collisions over time: whan 
>    an author creates a link to a site, he is entitled to expect - 
>    and so are the readers too - that in clicking that link the 
>    intended page will be displayed or absent. But not a page from 
>    another site.

Define the "intended page" in the case of dynamic content.  Define 
the "intended page" when it's changed by the original author in a 
way those who set links didn't expect.  Are you suggesting that 
ICANN re-designs the Web, or what?

>7. UDRP should be possible on an informational/portection basis. I 
>    should be able to take an UDRP. If I am confirmed no one can 
>    UDRP me.

I don't understand what this paragraph is supposed to say.  What 
does to "take an UDRP" mean?

Thomas Roessler                        http://log.does-not-exist.org/
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