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Re: [ga] Registrars Selling Dropped Domain Name Lists

Which, by the way, is one of the better examples I've seen of the level
of corruption found in the Congress, ICANN, Verisign, and Registrars in
general, all of whom supported that second-worst abomination (you all
know what the first one is), the so-called Anti-Cybersquatting Consumer
Protection Act.  Those dastardly individuals who sought to gain financially
by registering domain names were to be stopped at all costs, while at
the same time, loopholes were built in so that this bunch of "powers that
be" could do essentially the same thing with impunity.  It was not a matter
of making profits; it was a matter of whose pockets the money went into.

Bill Lovell

William X Walsh wrote:

Sunday, Sunday, August 26, 2001, 9:56:57 AM, Andy Gardner wrote:

>>There is a rumor that some Registrars are engaged in selling their
>>dropped domain names or expired domain names.
>>Are there any examples or real evidence concerning Registrars engaged in
>>selling their dropped domain names or expired domain name lists?  Are
>>there any examples or real evidence in the industry concerning
>>Registrars participating in buying or selling expired domain names that
>>were originally registered with the Registrar?

> http://www2.domainnamesystems.com/expireds.html

> And if you want to see an example of a Registrar auctioning off names they
> grab in the drops, check out

> http://www.namewinner.com brought to you by the Dotster Registrar.

To be clear, both companies are selling chances to register domains
that had been dropped at the registry and will become available for
reregistration, not names that are registered with them, but not
renewed by their customers, like the question was seeking.

The "auction" actually just means that Dotster will attempt to get the
domain name on behalf of the customer who offers them the most money
before the domain name is dropped.

Best regards,
William X Walsh <william@userfriendly.com>
Userfriendly.com Domains
The most advanced domain lookup tool on the net
DNS Services from $1.65/mo

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The URLs for Best Practices:
DNSO Citation:
(Under "Other Information Documents"; "August 2001:
Proposal for Best Practices for the DNSO GA." This
page also includes much else about the DNSO.)
Part I:
Part II:
(Access to the .pdf file requires the Adobe Acrobat Reader,
available for free down load at
Part III:

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