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Re: [ga] Comments from JPNIC and JPRS

Dear Sirs,
This position calls for respect.

This was exactly the essence of my candidacy to the BoD. I note that this 
is also the position of the European Roots adopted with the RT/BP (Root and 
RLD Best Practices) available for example at http://www.boroon.net .

I proposed Vint Cerf and Stuart Lynn several times to dialog on this 
matter. Unfortunately the dialog has not come far enough.

In my opinion there are four problems to address:
- the criteria for a TLD Manager to be accepted by the roots, to prevent 
TLD squatting
- the pre-existence of the TLD (".JP" existed before JPNIC) and therefore 
the rights of the Registrants as pre-existing to those of the TLD Managers.
- there will necessarily be value-added roots: this means that a root 
equalized financing system is necessary.
- the TLD bootstrap. The RFC 920 describes it referring to the NIC. As the 
ICANN currently does not fulfill this part of its mission we have adopted a 
TLD public declaration procedure. IMHO both approaches are very similar. 
Collision resolution is the issue: I say "a TLD is a public good used by 
the Registrants and served by the TLD Manager. Being protected the rights 
of the TLD Manager for his work, decisions comes to Registrants".

I renew my proposition to this GA to set-up of an independent working group 
on the name space management by the ICANN. So called alternative roots are 
only a part of this policy and I think only a consistent global response 
may permit a stable and lasting approach forstering innovation. I add that 
my proposition is that such a group writes a documented letter to explain 
the NC and the BoD why a WG should be established and proposes the matters 
to be considered.

Sincerely yours,
Jefsey Morfin

At 18:36 09/09/01, maruyama@nic.ad.jp wrote:
>One day prior, but ...
>                                                          Sep. 10, 2001
>Dear ICANN Board,
>After ICANN issued the two documents on "A Unique, Authoritative Root
>for the DNS": discussion draft published on May 28th and the finalized
>version on July 9th, Japan Network Information Center (JPNIC) and Japan
>Registry Service Co., Ltd. (JPRS), who are administering JP domain
>names, reviewed them and have expressed their views as the JP registry
>in the following comments.
>The comments have been published today via JPNIC's website for the local
>and global Internet community.
>We sincerely hope ICANN would take in consider these comments for future
>policy development and its management.
>Yours Sincerely,
>Jun Murai
>Japan Network Information Center (JPNIC)
>                       Comments on Alternate Roots
>It is vital that the name space be unique, as Internet users rely on
>domain names to identify sites and other users. Therefore, competition of
>name spaces should be avoided. In this context, there is a clear need
>for some sort of central organization or coordination body. ICANN is
>one such organization.
>However, ICANN's recent introduction of the new gTLDs was less than swift,
>and cost no little expense. This is one of the main reasons to stimulate
>alternate roots activities. ICANN should accept the criticisms it is
>receiving from outside the organization and reflect them on its activities.
>Whatever the faults of the current ICANN, a central organization or
>coordination body of some sort is needed. If we push ahead along the
>path of reconciling ICANN and alternate roots, we will later strike the
>recurring problem of needing a higher level ICANN-like organization or
>coordination body. We will then have to tackle yet again the type of
>difficulties that we have experienced in building ICANN, and this could
>result in delays in the continued healthy growth of the Internet. We
>feel a situation of this sort would be a major obstacle in ensuring
>the stability of the Internet and its continued development.
>In light of this, we propose the following:
>(1) There should be a mechanism to ensure the uniqueness of name space
>     for all Internet users. Currently, the root servers managed by
>     ICANN/IANA are the best available mechanism for ensuring the name
>     space uniqueness. Measures to counter any practice that could
>     hinder the operation of this mechanism should be urgently
>     researched and implemented.
>(2) ICANN should work to speed up all procedures, including decision
>     making and the implementation of those decisions.
>(3) ICANN should swiftly review the new gTLDs, not limiting this to
>     an evaluation of the introduced gTLDs, but also including an
>     evaluation of the entire gTLD introduction process.
>(4) ICANN should devote more energy to educational programs. Greater
>     effort should be made to publicize the current advantages and
>     drawbacks of the Internet and to promote an accurate understanding
>     of such among Internet users.
>Jun Murai
>Japan Network Information Center (JPNIC)
>Koki Higashida
>Japan Registry Service Co., Ltd. (JPRS)

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