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RE: [ga] Condolances

Some of you may already know this. Reports are that both towers of the WTC
have collapsed. I have seen the videos. My deepest sympathy to all of those
directly involved in this tragedy. Other reports may be rumors. Senator
McCain is correct, this was a concerted effort by a large and well funded
group. There is no certainty as to the identity, of the group, at this time.
President Bush has promised the full resources of North America to "hunt
down and punish" those responsible. The media seems fixated on bin Ladin, I
have my doubts.

From reports at NANOG, and other sources. Although certain media sites have
been overloaded, internet traffic seems to have reduced today. Prognosis is
that much traffic reductions will be explained due to folks having more
important things to do, relevant to the tragedy. Some reports are over a 50%
reduction in bandwidth requirements, while attention is diverted from the
internet, mostly to broadcast media sources. However, all sources of
communications into and out of NYC are congested and/or controlled. One of
the less congested sites is http://www.sfgate.com/ and they mirror much of
the AP and Reuters news items.

This is going to be a serious business effecter. US stock exchanges have
been closed, as all Federal buildings and many State facilities. It appears
that the FAA has also grounded all non-military aircraft. In North America,
if it isn't a military flight, it isn't a flight. All national borders have
been closed, according to some reports. This is all consistent with national
high alert status declarations. On the legal front, this means that various
emergency war powers acts have been invoked, for both Canada and the US,
while our leaders try to see what comes next, if anything. What this comes
down to is that much business is suspended for today, at least. Hopefully,
not much beyond that.

The perpetrators chose a suicide attack. That type of attack is impossible
to defend against without advanced warning. It is very effective. No amount
of martial law could have prevented it, or something like it. The timing was
such that it came just at the start of the business day, maximizing impact.
The collapse of the towers means that NYC will be virtually paralyzed for
the remainder of the business week, while they recover from this terrible
tragedy. The shockwave, from this terrorist act, expands in both time and
distance. Coming as it does, during a time of economic weakness, it could
trigger incidental economic events. The only prevention of further tragedy
is mental strength and resistance to fear. Have faith, stay calm, go about
normal business, where possible and prudent, and above all, do not over

Again, my heartfelt sympathies to those directly involved in this tragedy.

R O E L A N D  M J  M E Y E R
Managing Director
Morgan Hill Software Company
tel: +1 925 373 3954
cel: +1 925 352 3615
fax: +1 925 373 9781 

|> -----Original Message-----
|> From: Eric Dierker [mailto:eric@hi-tek.com]
|> Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 7:45 AM
|> To: ga@dnso.org
|> Subject: [ga] Condolances
|> Dear All,
|> I wish to extend my sympathy and prayers to all who will 
|> suffer from the
|> horrible tragedy which befell New York this morning.
|> May we all try to do our part to use this tool, the Internet, to move
|> the world toward a higher understanding of each other and 
|> rid us of such
|> hatred.
|> Sincerely,
|> Eric
|> --
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