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RE: [ga] Status of the Review Task Force

|> From: John Berryhill Ph.D. J.D. [mailto:john@johnberryhill.com]
|> Sent: Friday, September 14, 2001 10:12 AM
|> From: "Jefsey Morfin" <jefsey@wanadoo.fr>
|> > How an ICANN policy could conflict with any local law?
|> Take, for example, the embargo against Iraq.  Apart from the 
|> UN Security
|> Council, the US government also forbids dealing with the 
|> Iraqi government.
|> However, Register.com is accredited by ICANN to deal with 
|> anyone.  Hence,
|> Register.com derives income from registration of the domain 
|> name uruklink.net
|> , which is used by the Iraqi government for communications.
|> Similarly, Network Solutions maintains taleban.com, on 
|> behalf of an Afghan
|> fugitive in the United States who formerly operated the 
|> now-closed Taleban
|> Mission to the U.N.
|> Register.com and Network Solutions derive their authority to 
|> do these things
|> from ICANN, and they appear to conflict with U.S. law.

It's real simple John. Someone should turn them in. If the AG decides to
prosecute, we'lll have ample clarification.
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