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Re: [ga] FYI: Alleged links between WTC attacks and domain names

> 2) Two of the names refer to the year 2001, not
> to 1993 (year of first WTC attack).

Yes, and potential pope names are registered up through JohnPaul6.com and
beyond, for every pope name permutation.  That's the nature of speculation -
making guesses.  If, in successive years, I register PapalVote2001,
PapalVote2002, PapalVote2003, and so on, then sooner or later I'm going to
get lucky.

So, pick a likely and/or known terrorist target, and register it with
"attack" and a numeric year for a single annual term each year... it only
costs ten bucks.

You'll notice that sept12.com was registered on September 11, 2001,
apparently by someone who thought perhaps things might become more dramatic
the next day.

As far as *any* relevance to whois data, it is well beyond obvious that the
only data which counts is the credit card data used to purchase the domain
names, and which is readily available to law enforcement.

The media blurb on these unregistered names, while other domain names remain
registered and used by governments and organizations which have been deemed
terrorist organizations in the US and with whom doing business is illegal in
the US, demonstrates an odd set of priorities.  The revenue derived by US
registrars from domain names registered to parties in Iraq, Libya, Cuba, and
other embargoed countries is well into the hundreds of thousands of dollars,
according to one estimate I have been provided.

Additionally, ICANN itself maintained operation of the .yu top-level domain
during the entire time that doing business with the Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia was contrary to US law.  Not only that, but ICANN had the
unmitigated gall to send a bill of $1446.05 to Yugoslavia (see
http://www.icann.org/financials/cctld-contribution-chart-10may00.htm )
so that an indicted war criminal could continue to spew his propaganda at
www.gov.yu during our armed conflict with him.  The FRY was the subject of
OFAC regulations, and their service should have been shut off immediately.

If Mike Roberts doesn't want "terrorists" voting in the At-Large, then it is
well beyond time that he and others who support ICANN wake up and remember
that their sole claim of authority rests on an agreement with the Government
of the United States, and ONLY the United States, and that their maintenance
of a market which is actively engaging in commercial transactions with
enemies of the United States should be discontinued.

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