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Re: [ga] Registrars Draft: Transfers

on 9/26/01 8:25 PM, Jeff Williams at jwkckid1@ix.netcom.com wrote:

>> I maintain that it is not the Registrar's job to police the Registrant
>> community on behalf of the judicial system and that they are not able to do
>> so anyway.
> Again I disagree here as well.  If self regulation it to be successful and
> in any way meaningful under ICANN, the registrar must do most of the
> policing while at the same time not infringing on the privacy of any
> registrant.  Indeed this can become a difficult task, but one if self
> regulation is to work must be in part the responsibility of the Registrar.

Self regulation has not proved to be successful with this industry. ICANN
has demonstrated it is incompetent with respect to both accountability to
the public it purports to serve and enforcement of the agreements it makes.
The self-regulation argument is a refuge to protect the implementation of
policies that seek to promote corrupt elements of an illegitimate
>> If what you say is true, and I have no reason to believe it is
>> not, then the present clause is also onerous on the Losing Registrar, in
>> that the Losing Registrar may be acting negligently if they do not undertake
>> bankrupcy investigations and yet they have no way to comply with that
>> requirement.
> Agreed that presently Registrars for the most part are ill equipped to
> do bankruptcy investigations.  However with a little effort they certainly
> can do so.
OK Jeff, let's see if there is any truth in your statement. Exactly what
procedures should be undertaken to investigate a Registrant, (whether an
individual or company), operating outside the USA? Please list the relevant
sources for all countries worldwide, and the cost implications of such


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