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Counting Votes - Re: [ga] RE: Recall of GA Chair

Finally, ...it appears that it is reasonable to suggest that if votes
are going to be counted in the process that voters should first be
qualified upon some measure of their active participation in the

Derek Conant
DNSGA President and Chairman

Peter de Blanc wrote:
> Joanna and Philip:
> In the interests of eliminating what I consider to be time-wasting
> discussion about procedures, If Philip wishes to withdraw the agenda
> item from the published list, then I will bring it up under AOB at the
> next NC meeting myself.
> That way, we can move on, and hopefully use this list for more
> substantive work.
> As I said in a previous post, my inclination, as a NC member, would be
> to return the request to the GA based on lack of consensus on the
> "motion". In fact, it is not even a motion. So far I have seen only one
> or two "partial agreements" to WXW suggestion.
> If the GA wishes a new chair, it can decide that on its own. And to me,
> that means at least 51% of the persons who have posted to the GA list in
> the last 3 months would need to express such a desire.
> Peter de Blanc
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Joanna Lane [mailto:jo-uk@rcn.com]
> Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2001 5:44 AM
> To: Joanna Lane; Peter de Blanc; 'Jeff Williams'; 'Joop Teernstra'; Paul
> M. Kane; Philip Shepard
> Cc: ga@dnso.org; agenda@dnso.org
> Subject: Re: Recall of GA Chair
> Philip,
> Where is the Timeline for the current meeting Agenda, the deadline for
> IC input, the deadline to post to the NC and the deadline for papers?
> All of these should have been posted with the draft agenda prior to
> announcement being made to the NC and GA, shouldn't they?
> According to the agreed rules, "The Intake Committee shall have the sole
> discretion to deviate from these procedures when externalities dictate."
> http://www.dnso.org/clubpublic/nc-intake/Arc00/msg00026.html
> When exactly did the Intake Committee agree to your deviation from
> procedures? Exactly what are the externalities that dictated the
> decision to add to the agenda so late and without any discussion with
> any member of the IC? I would have thought externalities would dictate
> item 8 as "Election of new Intake Committee Chair".
> Also in the rules, "Last minute. In case of issues arising subsequent to
> the above timetable, NC members will be able to propose items for any
> other business at the start of an NC meeting. Such items will be
> accepted for discussion that day or deferred to the IC at the discretion
> of the NC chair. "
> http://www.dnso.org/clubpublic/nc-intake/Arc00/msg00048.html
> Did you consider discussing William Walsh's comment in AOB, or deferring
> it to the IC for discussion at all?
> It is evident that you have vigorously enforced intake committee
> procedures in the past. For example, you wrote:-
> 1) "Please let me have your agreement today Monday
> September 25 as the period of notice for the next meeting expires
> Wednesday 28 September !"
> http://www.dnso.org/clubpublic/nc-intake/Arc00/msg00068.html
> 2) "In order to give sufficient notice to NC members and to allow time
> for consultation within constituencies items must be submitted 21 days
> before the date of the meeting. This time limit has passed for the 19
> October meeting.  We welcome your input now and up to 24 October 2000
> for the Names Council meeting of 14 November 2000."
> http://www.dnso.org/clubpublic/nc-intake/Arc00/msg00075.html
> 3)
>  "Timeline
>         o Agenda input closes 3 January 2001
>         o IC submits draft agenda to chair latest 9 January
>         o Chair amends/approves and Secretary posts to NC latest 10
> January
>         o Agenda item documents sent to NC latest 17 January"
> http://www.dnso.org/clubpublic/nc-intake/Arc00/msg00180.html
> 4) "Note we are late with the timetable and should post to the NC today.
> So, please comments on the agenda by Paris time 16.00 Feb 13. Philip "
> http://www.dnso.org/clubpublic/nc-intake/Arc00/msg00206.html
> 5) "I am travelling a lot next week and will miss the 25 April deadline
> for posting the agenda to the NC. So please post this agenda below. The
> Intake Committee may still have changes and I can take them when I
> return." http://www.dnso.org/clubpublic/nc-intake/Arc00/msg00238.html
> With so many pressing issues to address in numerous Task Forces on which
> you sit, not to mention the additional burden of the Board's directive
> to focus on security issues, could a few things be falling through the
> net because you are spreading yourself too thin?
> Regards,
> Joanna Lane
> From: "Philip Sheppard" <philip.sheppard@aim.be>
> Organization: AIM
> Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2001 09:37:25 +0200
> To: "Joanna Lane" <jo-uk@rcn.com>
> Cc: <ga@dnso.org>, "NC \(list\)" <council@dnso.org>
> Subject: NC agenda and Recall of GA Chair
> Joanna,
> I would not read too much into the appearance of agenda item 8 about the
> recall of the GA chair. I do not expect a vote to be taken on this item.
> All that has happened is that a member of the GA felt strongly enough to
> request a recall and it seemed inappropriate to ignore this."
> "And please do not get too entangled in NC rules and procedures. We have
> written some guidelines to help ensure that advance notice is given on
> complex issues so that constituencies can debate them and give guidance
> to their reps before an NC meeting. Some times these time limits are
> met, some times not - they are guidelines not statutes, designed to help
> us not bind us.
> Philip
> on 10/4/01 2:23 AM, Joanna Lane at jo-uk@rcn.com wrote:
> > On a point of order, item 8, Recall of GA Chair, should not be
> > included as an Agenda item for the Oct 11 NC meeting as this item was
> > submitted too late to the Intake Committee - 17 days prior to the next
> > meeting, which is less than the 21 days required by its adopted rules.
> >
> > The basis for this item's inclusion on the NC agenda item would appear
> > to amount to a single complaint by one person of the GA. To use Philip
> > Shepard's own words to the Intake Committee regarding NC procedures,
> > "Remember, each agenda will have a hyperlink to the e-mail input for
> > that agenda, so anyone can follow the correspondence if they want to
> > spend the time."
> > http://www.dnso.org/clubpublic/nc-intake/Arc00/msg00056.html. There
> > are no hyperlinks for this agenda item because there has been no
> > e-mail input and therefore, no matter how much time NC members may be
> > willing and able to put into it, it would be a complete waste of their
> > time.
> >
> > For your further information, the e-mail history is as follows:-
> >
> > On Sept 23, William X Walsh posted a comment to the General Assembly
> > mailing list requesting a recall of the GA Chair position, copied to
> > the NC Chair.
> >
> > On Sept 24, Philip Shepard forwarded the aforementioned comment by
> > William Walsh to the Intake Committee mailing list.
> > http://www.dnso.org/clubpublic/nc-intake/Arc00/msg00306.html.
> >
> > On Sept 26, Philip Shepard posted a draft agenda for Oct 11 NC
> > meeting, in which Recall of GA Chair appears as item 8.
> > http://www.dnso.org/clubpublic/nc-intake/Arc00/msg00309.html. In
> > consideration of recent events and priorities dictated by the same,
> > serious consideration of the Intake Committee was not given to this
> > late addition.
> >
> > On Oct 1st, Philip Shepard instructed the Secretariat to announce the
> > NC Oct 11 meeting agenda, including item 8.
> > http://www.dnso.org/clubpublic/nc-intake/Arc00/msg00312.html
> >
> >
> > Regards,
> > Joanna Lane
> >
> > --
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