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Re: [ga] task force appointments

Eric and all assembly members,

Eric Dierker wrote:

> I have found no indication either in history (except just recently here)
> or in any written rules that TF members should be duly elected.

Perhaps you should read the following for a better guideline:

b06: 24 Jun - 11 Jul 2001, DNSO GA election to designate its
representative to the Names Council Review Task Force
http://www.dnso.org/dnso/notes/2001.GA-ReviewTF-vote.html, Roberto
Gaetano is elected.

b07: 5-25 Jul 2001, DNSO GA election to designate its representative to
the Names Council UDRP Task
Force http://www.dnso.org/dnso/notes/2001.GA-UdrpTF-vote.html, Dan
Steinberg is elected.

b08: 17-31 Aug 2001, DNSO GA election to designate its representative
to two Names Council Task Forces: IDN and dot org

> As a dotcommoner I address this whole issue of bottoms up and
> democracy.  This is not a right now thing it takes time.  We do our best
> and as our best gets better so will representativeness.

  Very much agreed.  But we must be ethical, honest, and forthright
as we do so...

>  The US
> revolution and independence was not based upon a popular vote and even
> then it took over a hundred years and a half a million lives to get
> women and ex-slaves the vote.

  That was the giving birth of a nation. This is not.  That was 200+ yrs
ago.  Much has changed sense than.  Such comparisons are questionable
in many respects at best.

>  First let us work on effectiveness and
> then as time and energy permits let us work on purity of system.

  Good effectiveness requires that we do not disenfranchise our fellow
GA members unnecessarily.  Ergo a vote given a already fairly good
voting procedure is already in place, commence, first starting with a
nomination process, which could be shortened if need be to address 
your effectiveness desire, Eric.  Than a Ballot, with also a 
shortened voting period to also meet your effectiveness desire, 
Eric.  But we should not, nay, we must not disenfranchise or fellow 
GA members as to not allow for them to elect their representatives!
The GA must NEVER bow to expediency for the sake of expediency 
itself!  The GA must NEVER, if it is to ever be continued as a 
viable body, to a dictatorial method of determining it's 
representatives in ANY of it's endeavors!

> Look, I am even contemplating withdrawing my objection to some type of
> domain name control to be a criteria for at-large.

  This is your privilege, as it is anyone that is a Stakeholoder, of

> This will help insure
> security and require some knowledge of that which we vote.

  How, pray tell???

> We can also
> raise awareness of Names and addresses and ccTLDs. Perhaps having my
> ideal of every user having a vote will take a little more time. But
> without compromise and acceptance to some expedience we grow stale and
> stalemated.

  Not necessarily.  Shortening the periods between nomination or
self nomination and Ballot to Vote will likely be sufficient.  One
should also remember that "Haste makes waste"!

> I praise Danny for moving forward and for Jeff and William, regardless
> of differences lending support to Danny's effectiveness.  Perhaps Jeff
> should fill Williams declined spot and from that position cause a
> committee election to confirm the choice.

  I would decline the offer if offered unless or until there was 
going to be a budget available for the research and hard work 
required by the TF members involved and I was voted as such
by my fellow GA members.  It would seem that you 
Eric are so keen on getting this going, perhaps you should 
consider in volunteering in also heading up the funding 
drive for these TF's and the GA representatives.

>  Inclusion is finally gaining
> ground through our chair.

  Our chair is trying to find good workable solutions.  A good chair
is wise to listen to his fellow members for guidance and assistance
in arriving at those solutions...  Let us not move to hastely,
but rather with dilagance, vigilance, and responsibly.  

> Sincerely,
> Eric
> --
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Jeffrey A. Williams
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