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Re[2]: [ga] BC exclusionary practices and GA funding

Thursday, Thursday, October 18, 2001, 3:56:58 PM, Roeland Meyer wrote:
|>> Consensus, Joanna?
|>> I think not.

> Let me see if I understand you correctly here; You don't think that the
> DNSO/GA wants a stronger presence in the ICANN?

Your document is only loosely based on that, the points about new.net
for instance do not belong in a statement that is dealing with the
GA's presence in ICANN, and will only serve to add contention to it.

> Understand that I presented the demand as an MHSC demand, not a DNSO demand,

I know, I was responding to Joanna's claim that your document
represented a consensus of the position of the GA.  That is not an
appropriate characterization at this stage.

|>> Perhaps you are suffering from some wishful thinking.  I
|>> have not seen anything resembling a consensus on this issue yet.

> In the whole, I think you are wrong. While many may differ in opinions over
> details, there has been near universal agreement that the GA needs a larger
> voice than it currently has and that the DNSO, as constituted, is failing
> its mission objectives (should we ever agree as to what the DNSO mission
> objectives are), has been failing it's mission objectives from the very
> start, and cannot ever meet any sort of mission objectives in the future.

On the above paragraph, we agree.  But your points are still not at
the level of a consensus of the GA.

If we had a chair, then the points could be separated out individually
and discussed, reworded where neeeded, and it could eventually become
a stating point for a consensus document.

But that would be working within the structure of ICANN and the DNSO
NC, which our "chair" refuses to do, so it really will never become a
consensus document.

Pity, because I agree with much of what you said, but I'm not so sure
I agree with the new.net stuff.  I'd have to discuss that with you
more in an environment meant to bring about consensus.

I wish we had such a place.

Best regards,
William X Walsh <william@userfriendly.com>
Userfriendly.com Domains
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