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Re: [ga] BC exclusionary practices and GA funding

{on this matter I welcome any and all attacks both personal and professional,
here you may kill the messenger for I truly believe that my brethren have been
wronged and it is personal}

Dear Members,

We have a bigger problem than we took in at first look at this problem.  Mr.
Meyer and MHSC faces the same problem as Mr. Hernand and NewNet, however they
are facing a disease that has metastasized in different areas of the same body -
ICANN.  Due not worry cancer is curable if caught in time and treated

MHSC belongs in the BC and has been excluded by legalism and discriminatory

While NewNet has been excluded by the BC, I do not believe they belong there.

NewNet has been excluded by the Registry Constituency into which they truly
belong.  They are a registry and belong in that constituency.  We believe that
is where any petition belongs.

Verisign acting alone has developed a rule that excludes any Registry not
approved by ICANN.  In other words they exclude all who are not them.

Mr. Hernand has been reflecting his company policy of openness and transparency
and my new research assistant, Brooks has worked overtime on this issue.  Thank
you both.

Brooks informs me that we have until sunday the 21st to submit this for an
actual (virtual?) vote by the NC at their next grouping.  But I add a caveat, we
have until 5pm on Monday due to queer Sabbath laws in California.

Dotcommoners and members of different persuasions I beg of the thusly;

Petition our NC promptly.  Ask for consideration of your denied application for
membership, in any constituency.

Review our Registry membership provisions.

Support and engage in dialogue your other members on this critical subject.

MHSC petition in good order and within time parameters, be the leader we know
you are with Mr. Meyer at the helm.

NewNet petition in good order and within time parameters, focus upon what your
are - a registry - and demand inclusion.  The only alternative is exclusion and
that is unacceptable as the status quo.  Please also petition my BoD
representative Mr. Karl for he is a good man and a trusted servant of right.

We are meeting at a confluence of raging waters, those who fight the consensus
to flow downhill will soon be caught in an eddy where the float scum gathers.

May you silently and privately giggle and reflect on the silliness of bickering.


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