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Re: [ga] BC exclusionary practices and GA funding

Roeland and all assembly members,

Roeland Meyer wrote:

> Hello Erik,
> Where did you miss the part about MHSC being a registry? Go back and read
> again. This is exactly why we aren't in the DNSO/BC.

  Yes.  This is something that seems to becoming a problem that Eric
is unfortunately displaying.  He seems to frequently either misread,
misinterpret, or characterize in a manner that is other than what
another has posted to fit a certain political ideal of his preference.
As such, a troubling disruption seems to be yet again raising it's
ugly head amongst the GA members.

> The MHSC root zone is
> on ROOT-SERVICE.NET. The only difference is that MHSC.NET does not run a
> publically available registration service on the web. We never have. All VPN
> registrations are done  as a part of an MHSC Engagement Agreement and MHSC
> never sells a registration unbundled from a development project. The zone
> file entries are done manually. No, we don't sell as many names that way.
> But, selling names is incidental to our main business and the names would be
> useless without the rest of the architecture. But, MHSC is still a registry.

  Indeed.  ANd this is how I interpreted or understood the manner MHSC
operates its business.  None the less it is good for those that are assuming
otherwise for purpose or purposes that are of a rather political nature
of contrary design.

> Our AboveNet-based servers show a steady 1.5Mbps throughput, each. The Web
> is not the whole Internet. It is only a very small part.
> New.Net has reached exactly the same impasse that MHSC reached years ago. I
> was actually quite vocal about it at the last MdR meeting.

  Indeed true.  And this is an important point that is sometimes not in the
thinking process or some.

> According to the
> rules of the DNSO/RC neither MHSC nor New.Net are accredited ICANN
> registries. I don't know about New.Net, but MHSC will not sign the ICANN
> contracts as written. The DNSO/BC is a different matter, but they're being
> their normal pig-headed selves. I might point out that the ORSC,
> AtlanticRoot, and PacificRoot are also in this same boat, except that they
> choose to not be involved with the ICANN.
> Whilst I'm on the topic of the DNSO/RC, if MHSC pays out $50K then MHSC
> expects to see guaranteed results. MHSC does not buy lottery tickets. MHSC
> would be better served buying me a Porsche Boxter and keeping the change
> (not quite enough for a Jag XK8 <sigh>). At least, one can kick the tires
> after having spent the money.

  ROFLMAO!  Well stated Roeland!

> --
> R O E L A N D  M J  M E Y E R
> Managing Director
> Morgan Hill Software Company
> tel: +1 925 373 3954
> cel: +1 925 352 3615
> fax: +1 925 373 9781
> http://www.mhsc.com
> |> -----Original Message-----
> |> From: Eric Dierker [mailto:eric@hi-tek.com]
> |> Sent: Friday, October 19, 2001 1:10 AM
> |> To: Roeland Meyer
> |> Cc: 'William X Walsh'; Joanna Lane; ga@dnso.org
> |> Subject: Re: [ga] BC exclusionary practices and GA funding
> |>
> |>
> |> {on this matter I welcome any and all attacks both personal
> |> and professional,
> |> here you may kill the messenger for I truly believe that my
> |> brethren have been
> |> wronged and it is personal}
> |>
> |> Dear Members,
> |>
> |> We have a bigger problem than we took in at first look at
> |> this problem.  Mr.
> |> Meyer and MHSC faces the same problem as Mr. Hernand and
> |> NewNet, however they
> |> are facing a disease that has metastasized in different
> |> areas of the same body -
> |> ICANN.  Due not worry cancer is curable if caught in time and treated
> |> aggressively.
> |>
> |> MHSC belongs in the BC and has been excluded by legalism and
> |> discriminatory
> |> practices.
> |>
> |> While NewNet has been excluded by the BC, I do not believe
> |> they belong there.
> |>
> |> NewNet has been excluded by the Registry Constituency into
> |> which they truly
> |> belong.  They are a registry and belong in that
> |> constituency.  We believe that
> |> is where any petition belongs.
> |>
> |> Verisign acting alone has developed a rule that excludes any
> |> Registry not
> |> approved by ICANN.  In other words they exclude all who are not them.
> |>
> |> Mr. Hernand has been reflecting his company policy of
> |> openness and transparency
> |> and my new research assistant, Brooks has worked overtime on
> |> this issue.  Thank
> |> you both.
> |>
> |> Brooks informs me that we have until sunday the 21st to
> |> submit this for an
> |> actual (virtual?) vote by the NC at their next grouping.
> |> But I add a caveat, we
> |> have until 5pm on Monday due to queer Sabbath laws in California.
> |>
> |> Dotcommoners and members of different persuasions I beg of
> |> the thusly;
> |>
> |> Petition our NC promptly.  Ask for consideration of your
> |> denied application for
> |> membership, in any constituency.
> |>
> |> Review our Registry membership provisions.
> |>
> |> Support and engage in dialogue your other members on this
> |> critical subject.
> |>
> |> MHSC petition in good order and within time parameters, be
> |> the leader we know
> |> you are with Mr. Meyer at the helm.
> |>
> |> NewNet petition in good order and within time parameters,
> |> focus upon what your
> |> are - a registry - and demand inclusion.  The only
> |> alternative is exclusion and
> |> that is unacceptable as the status quo.  Please also petition my BoD
> |> representative Mr. Karl for he is a good man and a trusted
> |> servant of right.
> |>
> |> We are meeting at a confluence of raging waters, those who
> |> fight the consensus
> |> to flow downhill will soon be caught in an eddy where the
> |> float scum gathers.
> |>
> |> May you silently and privately giggle and reflect on the
> |> silliness of bickering.
> |>
> |> Sincerely,
> |> Eric
> |>

Jeffrey A. Williams
Spokesman for INEGroup - (Over 118k members strong!)
CEO/DIR. Internet Network Eng/SR. Java/CORBA Development Eng.
Information Network Eng. Group. INEG. INC.
E-Mail jwkckid1@ix.netcom.com
Contact Number:  972-447-1800 x1894 or 214-244-4827
Address: 5 East Kirkwood Blvd. Grapevine Texas 75208

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