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Re: [ga] Re: Roeland's Motion

Bret and all assembly members,

Bret Fausett wrote:

> DannyYounger@cs.com wrote:
> > I have re-worded Roeland's motion to better reflect what may be an emerging
> > GA consensus view.  Your comments are needed.
> Danny, Roeland's motion circulated, for the first time, yesterday. It's
> inconceivable to me that there has been sufficient time and comment to
> pronounce it an emerging GA consensus view.

  Agreed but Dannys rewording the motion was a very good idea.  I hope
that Roeland is not offended in any way and the he is not characterized
in Dannys rewording inappropriately.  I am sure Roeland will speak up
if he feels that he has been.

  What Danny rewording does and nicely so, is provide a very well
done motion that we all can review, suggest rewording to, and eventually
vote upon when complete.  That is a good and honest method of approach
that benefits all of the assembly members.

> For my part, I think we need
> great reform in the current DNSO structure to ensure that all persons and
> companies have a place within the constituency structure, ensuring that
> their voices are heard and their interests served, but I am not convinced
> that making the General Assembly an equal chamber is the right answer.

  Respectfully I disagree.  Lacking allowance from the ICANN BoD
for new self forming constituencies as the ICANN Bylaws provides
for, and the fact that the GA is a "Catch all" for those that don't
fin into the existing constituencies, or may fit several constituencies,
and therefor best fit into the GA.

> The better solution, in my opinion, is to add constituencies as necessary to
> represent the entire range of interests in the DNS and allow the GA to serve
> the function for which it was designed: a place for cross-constituency
> dialogue and consensus building.

  Agreed.  But as you know the ICANN BoD has not allowed for this to happen
in any timely or reasonable manner.

>       -- Bret

Jeffrey A. Williams
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