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Re: [ga] Ballot question

I choose not to abstain.  I choose instead to ask all to move forward
although I find this extra vote extraneous because we have consensus
like we have never seen before in the GA.

[  X ]  Agree
[     ]  Disagree

DannyYounger@cs.com wrote:

> In accordance with the rules and procedures of the General Assembly, a motion
> has been put forth, has been seconded, and after discussion has received the
> benefit of a friendly amendment.  The Chair has determined that sufficient
> consensus exists to move the matter forward to a ballot.  The Secretariat is
> instructed to commence a vote of the General Assembly on the following ballot
> question:
> Whereas the Domain Name Supporting Organization Formation Concepts (adopted
> by the ICANN Board March 4, 1999), state that "The ICANN Board should
> periodically review the status of the constituency groups to determine
> whether all DNSO interests are adequately represented"
> Whereas members of the General Assembly have repeatedly expressed their
> concern that the DNSO as currently constituted is not sufficiently
> representative
> Whereas problems outlined by the DNSO Review have not been remedied
> internally, and efforts undertaken by the Names Council have failed to
> sufficiently address these concerns
> It is therefore
> RESOLVED that the ICANN Board be advised that:
> 1.  Members of the General Assembly believe that DNSO dysfunctionality
> requires direct ICANN Board intervention
> 2.  The General Assembly seeks to establish a representative balance by being
> placed on equal footing with the current DNSO Names Council and creating a
> bicameral DNSO.
> 3.  The General Assembly seeks initial budgetary/Secretariat support for the
> DNSO/GA to perform its functions.
> 4.  The General Assembly will work with ICANN to develop an appropriate
> funding model to support its activities.
> 5.  The General Assembly seeks representation on the ICANN Board (to be
> filled by a representative voting the recorded consensus of the DNSO/GA)
> 6.  The General Assembly seeks to have both an Advocate and a Consensus
> Leader, both elected positions of the DNSO/GA with budgetary control and
> responsibility for all DNSO/GA staff.
> 7. The General Assembly re-affirms the GA's commitment to the DNSO as
> originally envisaged as a place for cross-constituency dialogue and
> consensus building, and requests the Board to fulfil its obligation to
> facilitate the entry of thus far unrepresented constituencies.
> [ X ]  Agree
> [     ]  Disagree
> --


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