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[ga] BB Straton, Bill and als.

The ``holy grail,'' said Straton Sclavos (Verisign Top), is to create a 
global voice and Internet directory to allow users to designate how and 
where they can be reached at anytime. The system would link phone and 
Internet capabilities so users need only a single identifier, either a 
number or Web address.

Let imagine having your telephone spammed all the day and night long. What 
an exciting prospect!

I feel the "holy crusade" is to fight that! He says this is no "big 
brother".  It is far worse: it is "big brotherhood".

This crusade should start in lobbying for Whois to be abolished - everyone 
knows that data are outdated - and replaced by whois protocol. This would 
make whois://domain.name the opt-in universal address for user information. 
Either on site or delegated to whois private services.

One of the most interesting feature would be te be able to send a mail to 
the webmester from an online form - possibly with paging/sms associated to 
it - without disclosing his mail.

Harald, may be could you help in telling the way his could be studied?

I know there is an RFC indicating the fax://domain.name and 
tel://domain.name are supported. Anyone knows the RFC reference?


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