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Re: [ga] Last comment, for a while

On 00:17 25/10/01, Roberto Gaetano said:
>If we had any possible claim to representativeness, we should be at least 
>on the thousands.

Dear Roberto,
your point is well made. I too opposed the very concept of bicameral for 
the same feelings. In such cases when I have no pre-thought position I try 
to take some time from different other perspectives.

The idea of Roeland and Danny is to balance the NC power. Kent objects 
saying that the NC is representative as being elected while the GA is only 
self-selected. You oppose the nature of the two structures and question the 
representativeness of the GA.

Let face it. The @large are the people considering themselves as ICANN 
stakeholders. As such they are the governance at its individual level. They 
have two ways of being present: individually as IDNHC, GA Member, ALSO, 
etc... and through the consistuencies. These are the same people. I am a 
Member of the BC, I should be a Member of the NCDNHC.. Bicameral - as you 
describe it perfectly - is two ways of electing people. What is the 
interest? to make my directly elected reps to control my indirectly elected 
reps so they do their job of representing me. NC is not really paying big 
attention to our positions, @large should remind them.

Now you say the GA is not representative. A few comments:
- the GA is then no more: it is addition of the Constituencies plus who 
wants. So GA is more representative than the constituencies and therefore 
than the NC.

- the GA is open to everyone. When they voted the death of the French King 
by one vote, there was some emergency as five representatives supporting 
the King did not make it to Pairs yet, and only 1.5% of the French people 
had participated into the last election. Yet no one challenge the vote.

- again "I do not ask my telephone to be democratic, I ask it to work". The 
DNSO is no Parliament. It is a politico/technical advisory body. What we 
need to see represented are the problems and concerns. I pay a lot 
attention to Eric for that reason because he represents the problems of 
millions while I represent only the concerns of those who are aware.

So at the end of the day, "bicameral" is not the proper word, I agree, but 
it is a step in the proper direction I suppose.

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