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[ga] TLD/Root criteria draft


TLD/Root criteria draft
Tue, 21 Nov 1995 08:15:19 -0800 (PST)


alt.scooby-doo_is_the_true_messiah B. Manning
Internet Draft ISI
November 1995 P. Vixie

Technical Criteria for TLD/Root Servers


This draft proposes criteria for servers and their environments that
will support zones for top level and root domains.

Although this draft has been discussed in various bodies, it is not
final, it should not be regarded as a consensus document, and it is
presented for debate.

Status of this Memo

This document wants to be an Internet-Draft. Internet-Drafts are working
documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), its areas,
and its working groups. Note that other groups may also distribute
working documents as Internet-Drafts.

Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
time. It is inappropriate to use Internet- Drafts as reference
material or to cite them other than as ``work in progress.''

To learn the current status of any Internet-Draft, please check the
``1id-abstracts.txt'' listing contained in the Internet- Drafts
Shadow Directories on ds.internic.net (US East Coast), nic.nordu.net
(Europe), ftp.isi.edu (US West Coast), or munnari.oz.au (Pacific

Design Goals:

Define the basic set of requirements for TLD/Root servers.
Make them all objectively verifyable.


This document does don't discuss actual placement of servers.
There is some feeling that the appopriate criteria here is
"how much outgoing bandwidth to how wide a set of 2- and 3-hop
host endpoints does a given location have?" as against the
other question "how well is that set of endpoints served
without adding this new server?"
Procedures for dealing with non-compliance is not covered in
this memo.

Selected Operational Qualifications:

1. Modern BIND or equivilents (if any exist).
2. UDP checksums enabled.
3. Dedicated host (no user accounts, no mail relay, just DNS and NTP).
4. Singly homed (only one interface).
5. Protected by a firewall or tcp_wrappers; only DNS, ICMP, NTP allowed.
6. Server's time is synchronized via NTP.
7. 64MB of RAM. At least 33MHz/32bit memory bandwidth. At least 33MHz CPU.
8. Representative on TLD/Root administrater list is responsive:
8a. e-mail about required changes will be answered within 24 hours;
8b. vacations will cause responsibilities to be delegated, not ignored;
8c. work,pager,home numbers on file w/ zone master staff members.
9. Named.boot file will specify...
9a. "xfrlist" of local nets and maybe other roots;
9b. server will use "secondary" from the zone master, not FTP;
9c. "options no-recursion" and "limit transfers-per-ns 1".
10. Scheduled network and name server outages will be reported in advance.
11. Name server and its gateways are on uninterruptable power supply.
12. Address PTR points (only) to ?.root-servers.net, not a "local" name.

Selection Criteria:

1. serves max possible number of low-hopcount endpoints not otherwise
2. credibly likely to continuously perform on qualification criteria for
the duration of the operations contract.
3. stable organization which is considered likely to survive and prosper.

Security considerations



Constructive comments have been received from many "Internet Stakeholders".

Authors' Addresses

Paul Vixie

Bill Manning


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