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[ga] Do ICANN Experts Plan to Move Beyond Proof-of-Concept Testing ?

Do ICANN Experts Plan to Move Beyond Proof-of-Concept Testing ?
.....and use production-grade equipment ?

Jim Fleming
IPv16....One Better !!

> http://www.icann.org/mdr2001/schedule.htm
> Description: Overview of present DNS Root Name Server system, security
> aspects, short-term plans for enhanced security, longer-term
> Moderator: Jun Murai - Chair, DNS Root Server System Advisory Committee;
> Professor, Keio University, Japan; DNS root name server operator;
> JPNIC; Chair, WIDE Project; ICANN Director
> Panelists:
> Mark Kosters - VeriSign Inc.
> Lars-Johan Liman - Senior Systems Specialist, Autonomica AB; Co-Chair,
> Domain Name Server Operations Working Group
> Paul Vixie - Internet Software Consortium
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -----
> To: dnsop@cafax.se, dnssec@cafax.se, ietf-provreg@cafax.se
> Cc: staff@cafax.se
> From: Lars-Johan Liman <liman@autonomica.se>
> Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2001 08:57:32 +0200 (MEST) Root Name Server Security
> Sender: owner-dnsop@cafax.se
> Subject: Broken mailer at cafax.se.
> Friends,
> On October 6 I upgraded sendmail to version 8.12.1 on nic.cafax.se,
> the box that handles the lists mentioned above. It's now clear that
> that version contains a serious bug that shows its ugly face on NetBSD
> and some other OSs, but only when you try to send mail by forking off a
> new sendmail, and you happen to be a non-root user. This is true for
> local users with old MUAs, and for Majordomo. This is not true for
> most part of the mail traffic (including my own) that goes through
> that machine. My friend Johnny (local user) spotted the problmem on
> the 10th, and the problem was worked around. The bug was identified
> and a final fix was installed on the 12th.
> The consequence of the bug is that messages to lists managed by
> Majordomo on my box, just "disappeared" without any more alarm than a
> silent whisper in the log file, in the style of:
> Oct 10 13:54:57 nic sendmail[6978]: NOQUEUE: SYSERR(majordom):
>   drop_privileges: setgid(14) failed: Operation not permitted
> This mainly hit the lists
>   dnsop@cafax.se
>   dnssec@cafax.se
>   ietf-provreg@cafax.se
> If you sent a message to any of the above lists during the period
> October 6 - October 12, I'll have to ask you to resend it. It didn't
> even reach the mail archives at nic.cafax.se.
> My profuse apologies. :-(
>     Best regards,
>       /Liman
> #----------------------------------------------------------------------
> # Lars-Johan Liman  ! E-mail: liman@autonomica.se
> # Senior Systems Specialist     ! HTTP  : //www.autonomica.se/
> # Autonomica AB, Stockholm  ! Voice : +46 8 - 615 85 72
> #----------------------------------------------------------------------

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