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Re: [ga] icannworld.org

Jefsey Morfin wrote:
> On 13:20 13/11/01, Sotiris Sotiropoulos said:
> >I take exception to the shameless self-promotional stunt
> >executed by the General Assembly Chair with his
> >"icannworld.org" presentation.
> >
> >I remove any confidence I may have had in Danny Younger's
> >suitability for Chaimanship of the General Assembly of the
> >DNSO.

> Could you please provide the URL. I see nothing special at the present
> time. ...

I find myself wondering about the line on www.icannworld.org's front page:

" This site is sponsored by the General Assembly of ICANN's Domain Name
" Supporting Organization

Is that true? Can someone point me to the record of the GA deciding to
sponsor that? 

It seems to me something ICANN should consider doing, but I don't think
the GA has authority or budget to do it, and I don't recall any

Overall, the site looks like basically a good idea, making important
ICANN documents available in a range of languages and providing fora
for discussion.

It looks like there's still a lot of work to be done. Only a few docs
in Spanish and French. Nothing yet in Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or
Arabic, let alone the dozens of minor languages.

Likely they could use volunteers.
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