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[ga] Outreach-Procedural Bullshit

After reviewing the several reviews that have occurred on this subject
throughout ICANN's history, you can see a pattern that the NC and the
BoD are simply following the participants desire which is not to conduct

I have watched many good outreach web sites go up stemming from the DNSO
work.  Good bad or indifferent they all help outreach in some degree.
The list for continuing work of the WG-Review and Joannas' site come to 
mind as does some kind of site Sotiris ran where you could conference,
Many good votes have taken place on Joops' voting site. I note that both
the Watch and the Blog are void of large letter disclaimers of their
official status of ICANN affiliation-both run by esteemed Attorneys.
They are also all attacked by those blocking outreach which includes
bringing anyone in that is not a professional of some sort.

I think the point of the motion regarding icannworld may be very valid,
but only because it is my considered opinion that the Bulk of active
participants do not want any type of outreach that may diminish their
own standing to be heard and their opinion revered.

Certainly the prevention of educational sites for outreach is consistent
with reducing the At Large Seats and requiring domain name ownership for

The BoD yesterday made great progress yesterday because it recognized
this type of squabbling over form and not substance as exactly what it
is; procedural Bullshit.

I am sure that the pending motion will not be needed.  Certainly Danny
will change the site or pull it down altogether and there will be
another victory for procedural Bullshit.

Jeff, Sotiris, and William are all exactly right on the impropriety of
form here and they could not be more wrong in invoking procedural
bullshit to block positive attempts at outreach.  My congratulations to
three smart guys.


(why didn't someone just ask him to change it?, all of this commotion
has occurred and he has not even seen a word of it as he is attending
the security meetings)
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