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RE: [ga] Re: ICANN MdR meeting - Good process than comes goodsubstanceto: [ga] icannworld.org

	Although I feel the same, it would be unappropriate to do so (would it?)
unless if there is any posting rules that are being broken.  The ML, like
many other areas of the internet should perform self-censorship. We are all
adults who (should) know what we are doing. Applying conditional censorship
will cause more problems than it will rectify as the conditions to qualify
for censorship is not well defined and fuzzy/grey. Since it is subjective,
differences in agreeing to the censorship will happen. So unless if there is
a clear rule/condition being crossed, censorship should not be
applied --although I feel that individuals should seriously consider their
statements (just like observing the unwritten rule of "non-profanity" in
many places).

- Joseph

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-ga@dnso.org [mailto:owner-ga@dnso.org]On Behalf Of Joanna
Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2001 6:41 AM
To: Jefsey Morfin; ga-abuse@dnso.org
Cc: ga@dnso.org
Subject: Re: [ga] Re: ICANN MdR meeting - Good process than comes
goodsubstance to: [ga] icannworld.org

on 11/14/01 5:08 PM, Jefsey Morfin at jefsey@wanadoo.fr wrote:

> On 23:14 14/11/01, Sotiris Sotiropoulos said:
>> 4) what does Esther know that we don't?
> Dear Danny and Moderators,
> Before Mr. Sotiris Sotiropoulos becomes too personal about Mrs. Dyson, I
> suggest he his removed his posting privileges on this list, due to his ad
> hominem attacks everyone has suffered from enough and decency prevents me
> to quote. At least until he may cool down, return to himself and apologize
> to Mr. Dierker and to the list.
> Jefsey Morfin

It saddens me to have to say that I agree a temporary suspension of posting
privileges would seem necessary.



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