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Re: [ga] Mr. Qaddafi Salutes Verisign

Joop Teernstra wrote:

> At 21:41 14/11/01 -0400, Joanna Lane wrote:
> >This kind of input on the list is very welcome. I'm compiling a list of
> >relevant sites to forward to the BoD for attention. More please.
> For the BoD's attention?
> (mission creep anyone?)
> Isn't this a strictly US law enforcement issue?

Not if you're a U. S. citizen, it isn't.  Some 5,000 people dead
and Joop wants to address mission creep?  The War on Terror
has many dimensions, and they include internet security, with
which ICANN has lately decided to concern itself.

I think that the beatings I took when I gave a virus alert some
time before Sept. 11 might be a bit subdued now -- or one
would certainly hope so. Internet security is the concern of
all of us, and if there were to occur massive denials of service,
viruses and all the rest to blow the Internet all to bits, guess from
what domains they would most likely arise? For the slow-witted,
these would be from officially terrorist designated countries, or
patsies therefor, whose domains are presently being hosted,
given email service, etc., etc., by U. S. companies.  That's
what these laws, and ICANN's own internet security bit, ought
to be all about.

Verisign, register.com and the like provide the web hosting, MSN
provides the hotmail, etc., etc. These companies better get rid
of their terrorist ties.

register.com just registered baraco.com, "Baraco Co." being
an a.k.a. for Al-Barakaat International.  There's no content
there yet, and this baraco.com may be an innocent third party
with an unfortunate name, but it will be interesting to find out.

Bill Lovell

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