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Re: [ga] Mr. Qaddafi Salutes Verisign

On 00:20 17/11/01, Joanna Lane said:
>a) Accredited US corporations which, to all intents and purposes, would
>appear to be supporting the Jihad

I am afraid you confuse things: Jihad is not a synonym for terrorism. It is 
also a personal fight  against his own sins.

1) such a wording may only increase confusion and misunderstandings. Let us 
use "terrorism" to talk about terrorists. This is not partisan nor 
emotional. This is technical. Al Q, IRA, Red Khmers, Thugs, Nazi, etc... 
are as much dangerous.

2) the only clear solution about the DNS management and US laws is for the 
USA to give up pretence and state clearly: they claim property on the 
Internet through the AmerICANN; that US laws apply to the US gTLD domain 
names and ".us"; that ALSC recommendations must be read in that perspective 
and the @large Members are and will be US gTLD customers only. This way 
things will be clear and discontent people and nations will organize by 

Please understand my position. Any witch hunt using inappropriate methods 
and based upon emotion rather than on professional cool and responsible 
decisions by legitimate authority is creating more harm to its cause than 
you can imagine. All the more than it is done by popular or drum justice at 
the wrong place. Your call is like calling on bar tenders to poison 
possible terrorist's coffees.

What the Bin Ladens of the world want is exactly that type of reaction to 
be able to harp on it. Before acting you have to put your acts together 
otherwise you look a warmonger rather than a peacemaker. Look at the 
reaction to Mike Roberts' mails. It is law and order: if you want order you 
must first get a law, and the law in France, UK or Afghanistan is not the 
US law. But as I said there are two laws that everyone understand and that 
people may accept as international: honor and money. I am afraid you have 
first to chose which is yours if you want success: inconsistency never led 
to victory.

Now as far as the DNS is concerned, the real point is all this leads to a 
complete review of the purpose of the DNS and Mokapertis" 1982 rationale. 
This is good news as this is going to technically settle the whole issue, 
finish with the "authoritative root server system" fancy, make the ICANN 
obsolete and open the Internet Community to the real Internet. We will have 
to manage that transition towards a stable, secure and common *usage* of 
the DNS and to take care of the real issues : the TLD squatting, the 
Registrants rights, the real nature of the name of Internet domain, the 
writing of the Human Rights article on the human e-environment including 
among others the TM, IP etc... protection on e-electronic medium and media. 
The Internet is a social system, we have to make the society resilient in 
its Internet aspects. This will match your call on 
people's  responsibility, but in a legal way, based upon treaties carved in 
the stone and the minds.


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