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|> -----Original Message-----
|> From: Eric Dierker [mailto:eric@hi-tek.com]
|> Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2001 6:45 AM
|> To: ga@dnso.org
|> Subject: [ga] MISSION CREEP
|> What a crock.  This term should be banned as politically 
|> toooo correct.
|> If you try to expand membership the denial is couched in MC.
|> If you try to establish rules that define areas of involvement the
|> denial is couched in MC.
|> If you suggest the reining in of Verisign the denial is 
|> couched in MC.
|> When asked about an illegal lottery the denial is based in MC.
|> Transfer issues - MC.
|> AL membership - MC
|> NC and the IDNO - MC.
|> And yet we have two days of security MC and with .aero it looks like
|> another MC deniability.
|> I tell you what; there appear to be some Creeps on a 
|> Mission.  I have a
|> sneaking suspicion this term came from a pollywog with the 
|> initials AM.
|> And he is the biggest MCer of them all.
|> Sincerely,
|> the MC hammer
|> --
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