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[ga] Fw: "The NANOG mailing list is a technical, operational forum for major Internet Service Providers."

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jim Fleming" <jfleming@anet.com>
To: <nanog@merit.edu>
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2001 9:39 AM
Subject: "The NANOG mailing list is a technical, operational forum for major Internet Service Providers."

> http://www.nanog.org/mtg-9811/ppt/labovit/tsld013.htm
> NANOG Pre-Posting Guide
> 1. Does my email have operational/technical content? 
> 2. Would I be interested in reading this email? 
> 3. Would 5000 other Internet engineers want to read this? 
> 4. Will Randy and Jhawk respond positively to my email? 
> "The NANOG mailing list is a technical, operational forum for major Internet 
> Service Providers. See www.nanog.org for details about the North American 
> Network Operator's Group.  This list has restricted posting policy.  Those
> who wish to post to this list must first subscribe to the nanog-post list."
> http://www.new.net/about_us_partners.tp
> @Home is the leader in broadband, offering residential and commercial services, with a global footprint of 74 million...
> EarthLink The No. 1 Provider of the Real Internet(TM), EarthLink brings the Internet to more than 4.8 million subscribers....
> Prodigy Communications Corporation is one of the nation's largest Internet service providers.....
> Juno Online Services, Inc. is one of the nation's leading Internet access providers, with 15.9 million.....
> Tutopia.com, Inc. is a leading provider of Internet access and highly targeted direct marketing solutions in Latin America.
> NetZero, Inc. is a leading provider of free and pay Internet access services.....
> -----
> The above seem to be "Major ISPs".....where are the people from those ISPs posting ?
> Since this is the IPv4 Internet, one has to assume it is for Proof-of-Concept testing.
> http://www.dot-biz.com/Registry/Proof-Of-Concept/index.html
> It looks like the "Major ISPs" have moved beyond the testing phase.
> -----
> With respect to "root servers", they are really not needed, but for people that
> still want to get a published feed, they have several to choose from. Many root
> servers are out of date with the TLD Clusters, because the changes are made in
> the TLD Clusters first [See below for .BIZ Registry #1 Operational Changes].
> Redundant and Reliable TLD Clusters help to overcome what some call,
> "shared fate", where all of the servers running the same software and using the
> same database all crash together. Multiple TLD Clusters keep things running in
> the event of the loss of a cluster (which has several servers).
> http://www.dot-biz.com/DNS101/index.html
> http://ROOT-DNS.org has tools.
> http://root-dns.org/VueDig/VueDig_tld.php?record=NS&tld=biz&submit=Submit
> Open Root Server Confederation :
> VueDig Results : Answer = 4 : Authority = 0 : Additional = 0. 
> biz. 2D IN NS rectum.tallship.net.
> biz. 2D IN NS condor.tallship.net.
> biz. 2D IN NS falcon.tallship.net.
> biz. 2D IN NS nomad.tallship.net.
> The PacificRoot :
> VueDig Results : Answer = 6 : Authority = 0 : Additional = 6. 
> biz. 15M IN NS nomad.tallship.net.
> biz. 15M IN NS falcon.tallship.net.
> biz. 15M IN NS condor.tallship.net.
> biz. 15M IN NS rectum.tallship.net.
> biz. 15M IN NS ns1.hypa.net.
> biz. 15M IN NS ns2.hypa.net.
> ----
> The above should match.
> .BIZ existed long before ICANN... 
> http://www.dot-biz.com/TimeLine/ 
> People are advised to register in BOTH of 
> the IPv4 .BIZ registries, for reliable and 
> redundant DNS service. 
> Jim Fleming
> http://www.DOT-BIZ.com
> http://www.Register-BIZ.com
> http://www.BIZ-Registry.com

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