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Re: [ga] What Else is New? DNSO/BC's suicide

Patrick and all assembly members,

  I think you paint a pretty bleak picture of ICANN here, perhaps
too bleak.  None the less your response is wandering off the
topic as well.  Perhaps that habit is a contributing factor
to ICANN's trouble's?  Food for thought at least....

  The BC on the other hand seems to be definitely broken or
at least extremely biased against what and whom it is supposed to
represent and a constituency.  This is not however surprising.
the whole Constituency model for the DNSO is ill conceived
point in fact.  Many stakeholders know this all too well.
The reasons for these problems with the constituency model
for the DNSO have been discussed in some length on this forum
before.  They were not addressed.  They shall continue, if not

  Constituencies, in order to work, need to be independent of
ICANN as a corp. sibling or sub organization.  They should be
completely separate from ICANN, self forming, and independent.

Patrick Corliss wrote:

> On Mon, 19 Nov 2001 16:59:56 -0500, Leah Gallegos wrote:
> > How far is this going to go?  Good work, Names Council and BC.  Keep
> > degrading ICANN's legitimacy as a bottom up organization that includes
> > the Internet community.
> Hi Leah
> Well it really looks to me as if ICANN is completely broken.  The ICANN
> Board is not representative of ICANN membership or its Constitution.  The
> three supporting organisations are quite unbalanced as they are heavily
> weighted against domain names.
> The consitituency structure does not balance "supply" and "demand" at all.
> The constituencies themselves are certainly not representative of their own
> constituencies.  The Names Council does its own thing (whatever that is).
> And the General Assembly is without a Chair, an Alternate Chair, any special
> purpose mailing lists or even any list monitors.  It is, and always has
> been, denied resources or other forms of meaningful contribution.
> I have no idea what is going to happen to the motions that have been
> proposed or even whether we have a DNSO Secretariat.
> So what else is new?
> Regards
> Patrick Corliss
> --
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