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[ga] Fwd: DNSO Constituency issue

Best regards,
William X Walsh <william@wxsoft.info>

The following is a forwarded message:
From:    William X Walsh <william@userfriendly.com>
To:      discuss-list@opensrs.org <discuss-list@opensrs.org>
Date:    Tuesday, November 20, 2001, 10:41:14 AM
Subject: DNSO Constituency issue

The Business Constituency of the DNSO is considering making the
following change to its membership rules:


2 In keeping with the selective membership criteria of other DNSO 
constituencies, the Business Constituency represents the interests of a 
specific sector of Internet users. The purpose of the Constituency is to 
represent the interests of businesses using the Internet for electronic 
commerce with customers. To avoid conflicts of interest membership is 
typically limited to those entities (or their representatives) whose 
primary use of the Internet is to conduct their business as users of 
electronic commerce in their dealings with customers or suppliers.

This excludes for-profit entities whose business means they are likely to 
formulate views from the perspective of Internet or Domain Name service 
providers, as well as from other groups whose interests may not be aligned 
with business users.  Such entities may find other constituencies offer 
more appropriate means of representing their members' interests.


They are doing this because New.net applied to be a member of the BC,
and they don't want them there, but in doing this, they have also
eliminated almost all of us from being qualified for members, since we
also do not qualify for membership in the "registrar" constituency
since we are registration providers, but not registrars.

They ignore that we, as registration providers, are businesses on the
internet, participating in one of the largest sectors of e-commerce,
the Business to Business sector (aka B2B).

I'm no fan of New.net or the other alt.root'ers whom they are
targetting, but this step is simply not an acceptable response to that

I encourage RSPs to let the the BC Reps know what you think of this:

"Philip Sheppard" <philip.sheppard@aim.be>
Marilyn Cade mcade@att.com
Grant Forsyth grant.forsyth@clear.co.nz

the BC website: http://www.bizconst.org/

Their mailing lists: http://www.bizconst.org/mailinglist.htm

Also you may want to CC the ga@dnso.org list, feel free to CC me also.

Mr Sheppard is also the chair of the DNSO Names Council, the other
members, and their email addresses, are at

Best regards,
William X Walsh <william@userfriendly.com>
SSL Certificates for resellers from $49ea

End of original message

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