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[ga] Names Council Marina del Rey Minutes, 14 November


 DNSO Names Council Meeting in Marina del Rey on 14 November 2001 - minutes


23 November 2001.

The DNSO Names Council meeting in Marina del Rey held on Wednesday 14
November 2001, 16:00 - 18:00, [@ Catalina room] .

(16:00 LA, 19:00 New York, 24:00 UTC, 01:00 Paris (next day), 09:00 Japan/Korea next day)
    Local time between 30 October 2001 and end March 2002
    Reference (Coordinated Universal Time)     UTC         24:00
    California, USA                            UTC-8+0DST  16:00
    Missouri, USA                              UTC-6+0DST  18:00
    Monterrey, Mexico                          UTC-6+0DST  18:00
    Panama, Panama                             UTC-5+0DST  19:00
    Washington DC, USA                   (EST) UTC-5+0DST  19:00
    St.Thomas, Virgin Islands                  UTC-4+0DST  20:00
    Santiago, Chile                            UTC-4+1DST  21:00
    Buenos Aires, Argentina                    UTC-3+0DST  21:00
    London, United Kingdom                     UTC+0+0DST  24:00
    Brussels, Belgium                    (CET) UTC+1+0DST  01:00 next day
    Barcelona, Spain                     (CET) UTC+1+0DST  01:00 next day
    Frankfurt, Germany                   (CET) UTC+1+0DST  01:00 next day
    Paris, France                        (CET) UTC+1+0DST  01:00 next day
    Seoul, Korea                               UTC+9+0DST   9:00 next day
    Tokyo, Japan                               UTC+9+0DST   9:00 next day
    Melbourne, Australia                      UTC+10+1DST   11:00 next day
    Auckland, New Zealand                     UTC+12+1DST   13:00 next day
    The DST ends/starts on last Sunday of October (with some exceptions)
    For other places see http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/

Agenda http://www.dnso.org/dnso/notes/20011114.NCmdr-agenda.html

List of attendees:

   Peter de Blanc                 ccTLD
   Elisabeth Porteneuve           ccTLD
   Oscar Robles Garay             ccTLD
   Philip Sheppard                Business
   Marilyn Cade                   Business   Proxy for Grant Forsyth
   Antonio Harris                 ISPCP
   Greg Ruth                      ISPCP
   Tony Holmes                    ISPCP
   Ken Stubbs                     Registrars  Proxy for Paul Kane, Erica Roberts
   Roger Cochetti                 gTLD
   Cary Kamp                      gTLD
   Richard Tindal                 gTLD
   Axel Aus der Muhlen            IP  Proxy for Caroline Chicoine, Guillermo Carey
   Youn Jung Park                 NCDNH
   Vany Martinez                  NCDNH
   Milton Mueller                 NCDNNH
   Glen de Saint Géry             Secretary

List of absentees:

   Grant Forsyth                  Business
   Caroline Chicoine              IP
   Guillermo Carey                IP
   Erica Roberts                  Registrars
   Paul Kane                      Registrars

Quorum (11) present at 16:00 Los Angeles time (UTC 24:00)

Ph. Sheppard chaired the NC meeting.

  1. Agenda Items 2, 3 and 4:
     Selection from previous ICANN agenda, issues of DNSO relevance,
     Round table on these issues
     Selection of issues/ rapporteurs to Board next day

     These items were dealt with together.

     gTLDs: Registries

     A blue print draft drawn up by a Task Force is now available on
     Security Issues - Registry failure.
     Best Practices on security and reliablity issues were consisdered.
     There will be a report back in the near future.
     Rita Rodin will report back to the board. 5 to 10 minutes.

     gTLDs Registrars

     The Registrars reviewed escrow and data recovery and identified
     certain problems.
     Important issues were:
     - the ability to maintain user capacity in case of catastrophy
     - the ability to make sure the user was not hurt by lack of
     - service contracts
     There will be a report in late January or February 2002.
     Mike Palage will report to the Board. 5 to 10 minutes.


     Three days of meetings were held, including sessions specifically
     about security.
     Three key areas were defined:
     - Existing process of getting IANA database updated and the
     necessity of 24x7 live support.
     - Best Practice documentation on Security
     -Shared ccTLD back-up, as well as funding.
     Peter de Blanc will report to the Board. 5 to 10 minutes

     Business, IP and ISP constituencies (joint report)

     ISPs have different views about best practices.
     Philip Sheppard will make a joint report back to the Board

     In the French speaking group led by Elisabeth Porteneuve, key
     issues were infrastructure, redundancy and connectivity.

     The NCDNH identified the following key issues:

     - A group that represents expertise that could be drawn upon by
     ICANN in non-propriety matters.
     - Focus on civil liberty implications and technical matters.
     - Concise text archives are needed to assist developing countries
     and non-English speakers understand.
     Milton Mueller will report back to the Board.

     Overlap from Agenda Monday 12 November 2001
     Agenda Item 6: Adoption of final report from the Review Task

     P. Sheppard reported that the drafting meeting held to resolve
     minor text differences revealed some more fundamental issues. The
     Review Task Force will review this issue and report back to the
     December meeting.

     Agenda Item 9:
     Marilyn Cade reported that 3000 responses have been received, 14
     questions with narrative replies, and all members of the Task
     Force have read the answers in a first cut.
     It is important to remember that this is an anecdotal survey of a
     self selected group of how people who use WhoIs react and not a
     statistical survey.
     A written preface to the survey will be done to explain this.
     It does not deal with new gTLDs
     The data will be publically available.
     A report will be out by the Ghana meeting.


     The UDRP Questionnaire is posted on the DNSO website and the
     deadline for comments is 17th December 2001.
     The NC agreed on the need to encourage a broad set of responses.

     Structure task force:
     The Chair proposed the NC make a short motion in support of the
     ALSC report giving notice that the NC or the constituencies will
     be commenting on detail later and laying down a marker for further
     DNSO involvement.


     Proposed by Philip Sheppard and seconded by Antonio Harris:

     Whereas the At-Large Study Committee (ALSC) has issued its report
     dated November 5, 2001,

     Whereas discussion on specific proposals within this report are
     now happening within DNSO Constituencies,

     Whereas the Names Council has held initial discussions at two

     The Names Council recommends that the ICANN Board look favourably
     at the broad principles outlined in the report and that the Board
     endorses the ALSC's proposal to extend the life of the committee
     until March 2002 in order to allow the ALSC to work with the DNSO
     and other parties towards implementation mechanisms.

     Decision D1: Motion adopted and passed unanamously.

     Ken Stubbs left the meeting at 17.10 and gave his proxies to Roger

     ICANN TLD's:

     YJ Park reported on the Board committee set up to propose
     evaluation criteria for new TLDs.
     Conclusions to date are:
     - debate on the kind of criteria
     - different timeline for different TLDs
     - parallel evaluation tracts for different TLDs
     - specification of the multilingual aspect
     An interim report has been published for public comments, the
     period closing on 17 December 2001.
     A final report will be published and presented at the Ghana


     Roger Cochetti moved a motion seconded by Peter de Blanc

     That authorisation be be given for the payment of $30 000 to AFNIC
     being an agreed charge of $5000 per month from April to September
     2001 and moves that council approves this payment.

     Decision D2:

     Motion adopted by all but one. Elisabeth Porteneuve abstained.

     The meeting adjourned at 18.00 Los Angeles time.

                      Information from:  © DNSO Names Council

     AAn ansd iihiuhhughjvgAn inetrim report has been

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