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[ga] FW: [council] TF Transfers

  • To: ga ml <ga@dnso.org>
  • Subject: [ga] FW: [council] TF Transfers
  • From: Joanna Lane <jo-uk@rcn.com>
  • Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2001 05:52:20 -0400
  • In-reply-to: <B829DF65.3B2A%jo-uk@rcn.com>
  • Sender: owner-ga-full@dnso.org
  • User-Agent: Microsoft-Outlook-Express-Macintosh-Edition/5.02.2022

> From: Joanna Lane <jo-uk@rcn.com>
> Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2001 00:25:09 -0400
> To: "Cade,Marilyn S - LGA" <mcade@att.com>, 'Philip Sheppard'
> <philip.sheppard@aim.be>
> Cc: Danny Younger GA chair <webmaster@myprayersite.org>, "NC (list)"
> <council@dnso.org>
> Subject: Re: [council] TF Transfers
> Marilyn,
> I did not ask to be the GA Representative and with the greatest respect, it is
> not the job of the Interim Chair of the Task Force to dictate to the GA whom
> their representative should be.
> Maybe we can solve this problem by your creating an open Working Group instead
> of a closed Task Force, then all interested persons can participate. After
> all, that is what is called for by both NC procedures and the Bylaws in this
> instance.
> In the alternative, it is simply nonsense to argue that the deliberative body
> tasked with considering the needs/views/perspectives of individual registrants
> should not include a representative of that group. Muddying the waters with
> references to diverse responsibilities of other constituency representatives
> does not override the fact that:-
> a) policy recommendations from the DNSO cannot be made without consultation
> with impacted parties
> b) individual registrants are strongly impacted by the policies under
> deliberation
> c) no representative of individual registrants has been appointed to the
> deliberative body to date
> c) a competent and interested person has stepped forward to undertake the task
> d) the Interim Chair of a Task Force is at liberty to appoint any interested
> person as they see fit without reference to anybody else.
> Are you now, in all conscience, denying my right to be on this task force?
> Regards,
> Joanna
> The URLs for Best Practices:
> DNSO Citation: http://www.dnso.org/dnso/gaindex.html
> (Under "Other Information Documents")
> Part I: Introduction, Principles and Definitions
> http://www.dnso.org/dnso/notes/20010813.GA-BestPractices.html
> Part II: Flow Chart
> http://www.dnso.org/dnso/notes/20010813.GA-BP-flowchart.pdf
> (Access to the .pdf file requires installing the Adobe Acrobat
> Reader, which is available for free down load at
> http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html.)
> Part III - Time Line Guide
> http://www.dnso.org/dnso/notes/20010813.GA-BP-PartIII.html
> on 11/27/01 9:26 PM, Cade,Marilyn S - LGA at mcade@att.com wrote:
>> I would think that having Joanna Lane as the GA representative would appear
>> to be a good approach.  I have read Joanna's lenthy memo regarding
>> representing "registrants".  Of course, the GA will want a  representative
>> who can represent the GA broadly. But, I am not sure why providing the GA
>> representation role should preclude Joanna representing, as part of that, a
>> concern to ensure that individual "registrants" needs/views/perspectives,
>> etc. are reflected, along with other stakeholder views.
>> I would suggest that the TF will of course discuss input/persperspectives
>> for various stakeholders; including, but not limited to individual
>> registrants.  Joanna's participation, along with participation from other TF
>> members,  can be helpful to ensure that the TF considers how to understand
>> the views of the full range of stakeholders, including individual
>> registrants.  
>> I understand Joanna's concern that she may be spread "very thin" in taking
>> on GA representation,  but actually, everyone on the TF does have a broad
>> responsibility of diverse representation to their constituency.   I see a
>> lot of variance in several of the constituencies on the transfers issue.
>> I hope that the GA and hopefully, Joanna, will agree that she can be the GA
>> rep. 
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Philip Sheppard [mailto:philip.sheppard@aim.be]
>> Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2001 8:12 AM
>> To: Joanna Lane
>> Cc: Danny Younger GA chair; NC (list)
>> Subject: [council] TF Transfers
>> Joanna,
>> thank you for your reply. As you may appreciate this request raises issues
>> beyond the transfers task force and hits at the essence of individuals
>> representation within ICANN. In this respect the current ALSC report is
>> relevant and that report among other issues is just starting debate within
>> another NC task force.
>> It would be premature to agree to a registrants/individuals representation
>> in a NC task force before we can give thought as the NC to the wider issue.
>> On a practical note I am fully aware of your interest, competence and
>> activity on the GA and believe you would make an excellent GA representative
>> to the transfers TF. The GA has not yet nominated anyone to the task force
>> (The GA chair was put on circulation by the TF chair for information pending
>> a nomination). I would encourage you to seek GA nomination and so be able to
>> participate.
>> Philip Sheppard
>> NC Chair

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