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[ga] Blocking and Consensus speak

I take the following snippet too discuss to very important issues.

Blocking;  Apparently this is well documented.  I have every page of ICANN archives
bookmark and have enjoyed reading back to 1998, yes I am nuts but wait till you read
your charactar in "the ICANN Conspiracy".
And I want a chapter on discrimination and blocking but I can not find any such
reference in the GA.  (oh don't worry I have plenty for the constituencies.  Also
funny anecdotes regarding attending ICANN meetings and being snubbed because you
weren't somebody. But could someone give me a reference to blocking in the GA?)

Consensus Speak;
1.    It is rude to make references and claim matters that should be known by all but
not reference them for the sake of other listeners that do not know, in otherwords
don't talk like you are long time friends and exclude a party interested enough to
2.    Carnegie sandwich, tell them how good they are doing at the beginning and end
and criticize in the middle.
Jeff left out the bottom half of the sandwich and criticized others in the middle.
Very probable that Jeff supported Jefsey but antagonized others that would have gone
with Jefsey's position and now will not.
3.    We can get further by asking how a position may be changed to accommodate
differing view.  Remember either unadorned support or attacks do not help consensus.
4.    Rather than labeling something poor or rich it would be more helpful to point
out the difficulties one party is have accomplishing a given task.  Then we can focus
on solutions and not blame.
5.    All in all we must take the self out of the picture and communicate from a
perspective of the goal.  We should focus more on the "if we do this" rather than the
"they did this"

Food for thought and an acknowledgment that I am guilty of all mentioned failures,
but when my son asked "how do I get such good judgment?"  I had to respond "by
exercising bad judgment".

Thank you Jeff for your hard work on this list.


Jeff Williams wrote:

>   Two very good and important points here.  The problems with
> "Joining" has been and still remains the blocking of interested
> parties or stakeholders in Joining.  Outreach has been poor
> as a result as there is little interest in doing outreach when
> interested parties or stakeholders are specifically blocked
> from joining.  A vicious circle.
> > If they do not
> > bother this is their problem.
>   The problem here is Jefsey, that many have bothered and been rebuffed
> and/or completely denied participation.  This is as you know, well
> documented.


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