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Re: [ga] The Network Solutions contribution to international terror

Sunday, Sunday, December 02, 2001, 2:57:42 PM, William S. Lovell wrote:

> These are pages on which Hamas and the Qassam Brigades
> take credit for such things as the latest atrocity against a bunch
> of young civilians in Israel, and which Network Solutions hosts
> in order that such obscenities can be disseminated to the world.

>      Administrative Contact, Billing Contact:
>         Sadaqa, Ziyad  (ZK30)  salamnet@AOL.COM
>         Salam
>         512 Cedar Bend Cir #104
>         Orlando, FL 32825
>         407-719-0460

This is the actual registrant.

And NSI is not hosting it, they are simply the registrar of record.

The host of the site is usually the tech contact and/or dns provider
(but not always).


host4u.net is the hostname used for providing nameservice to the many
resellers of the OLM.Net wholesale webhosting service.  So OLM.Net is
the actual host, though the company that actually takes money from the
registrant for the hosting is most likely one of their many, many

Best regards,
William X Walsh <william@wxsoft.info>
SSL Certificates for resellers from $49ea

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