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RE: [ga] Final Review Task Force Report

|> From: DannyYounger@cs.com [mailto:DannyYounger@cs.com]
|> Sent: Monday, December 03, 2001 8:36 AM
|> The final report of the Review Task Force has been posted 
|> with new amendments 
|> by Phil Sheppard which grant even more powers to Council 
|> Task Forces at the 
|> expense of Working Groups:  
|> http://www.dnso.org/clubpublic/council/Arc06/msg00464.html
|> This is an ongoing attack against this Assembly's full 
|> participation in the 
|> DNSO process.  As usual, the positions of both the GA and 
|> the NCDNHC were 
|> cited and then disregarded.
|> At this time, I would advocate having the GA withdraw from 
|> all Council 
|> activities until the working group process is respected.  I 
|> request the views 
|> of the membership.

If one were going to try and make an impact, I think that this is exactly
the wrong approach. Withdrawing activity only let's the opponent work
unmolested and out of oversight. They can later claim that we never
participated and the withdrawal was tacit agreement to whatever actions are
being taken.

Danny, the past few weeks have made me disappointed in many things. The
prime focus of the GA should be to bring itself forward. What you are doing
here is pounding on the blockhouse door, with your head. Everyone knows that
blockhouses only respond to cannons. You're only giving yourself a headache.

Proper escalation requires successive steps via;
DNSO/GA -> DNSO/NC -> ICANN/BoD -> USG/DOC -> USG/Congress.
At each step, relevent issues need to be surfaced, for that step, and as
that step's non-responsiveness is documented, issues are prepared for the
next step. One of the current problems are that the last two steps are
somewhat preoccupied with the current shooting-war. Therefore, issues have
to be refined that are relevent to the context of the current focus of those

Various moptions, pleas, and other arguments have been presented to both the
DNSO/NC and the ICANN/BoD. Thus far, there has been minimal response and
even that has been in the wrong direction. It is time to prepare arguments
with the US Department of Commerce, whilst at the same time, trying to get a
Congress-critter involved.
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