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[ga] (no subject)

Very nicely done Jefsey,

       Dear Fellow GA,
       I understand that there is some sort of consensus to correct the
       situation. Here is a plan I propose to that end.

       1. to nominate and elect a Chair wanting to be a debate and
       peaceful catalyst. (I believe it would need both external and
internal functionaries)
       2. to look for/develop and implement a motion management system
    (I believe this requires a parliamentarian)
       3. to set-up a list of topics we want to debate seriously in
listing the
       matters that Members want to see addressed without any exclusive.

    (Yes with a proposal board for taking up new matters with a required
       4. to set-up a GA web site where each debated matter has a page
showing the
       position links of the people wanting to participate to a public
       writing. Each position link links a page by a contributor
expressing his
       position that everyone may read and comment. The target is that
       progressively positions may converge and resolve into consensual
       of agreement or of disagreement clear description.
    (ease of use would be paramount and we would worry about diffusion)
       5. to incorporate the ICANN GA as a non profit "ICANN user
       The target is not to compete with the @large as the Internet
       Community, but as a important member of  ICANN community.
    (This is a very valid and important distinction as they are clearly
a group of anyone
     interested and a group of professionals)
       Such an organization could be used as a permanent secretariat for
the GA
       6. to develop relations with other governance centers and to
interface with
       Staff and BoD.
       7. to develop formal relations with the Consistencies he Members
of which
       as GA Members
       8. to establish information channels with DoC, Congress and White
House in
       the USA and their counter parts in the other countries.
       9. to carry an outreach program mainly oriented towards diversity
       concerns and origins and towards consumer organizations
       10. to serve as a watch dog assembly concerning corruption and
       increasing the financial, the lingual and the digital divide on
the Internet.
    (Of course this leads us to the issue of finance as you know this
requires full time
     work, but that is not a reason not to try as you set forth below)
       We would expect this to foster:
       - a common feeling of responsibility towards the governance and
to the
       world as far as the ICANN is concerned. Supporting what is good,
       on what is wrong, proposing solutions.
       - a common maturity through serious debate on serious matters
       into published votes.
       - a body of consensual positions or clearly worded oppositions
for the
       benefit of the other ICANN units and of the public and the media.

       This has a cost. So we need money. This money will never reach us
if we do
       not have a banking account, that is if we are not incorporated.
       proposition for getting that money is that this ICANN user
       sponsors Internet governance related propositions and in the
meanwhile gets
       some donations and accepts mutual help. Running as site is not a
big expense!

       Such propositions could be:
       - sponsoring a newspaper per country who would report on the GA
and publish
       its positions
       - sponsoring a yearly Internet meeting/Trade show and an Internet
       - sponsoring local training program where Member could
       - sponsoring the publication of documents and books on the
       - tags, teashirts, etc...
       This just to show that this is possible.

       This idea is: we are 1000 with a very precise interest: a good
service of
       the ICANN to the public. There is no reason we cannot succeed in
       it and in becoming a serious and usefull institution.

       My 2 cents.

    No Jefsey that is worth a lot more. Thank you for your thoughts and
please only consider my input.

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