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RE: Re[2]: [ga] resignation from NC transfers task force

|> From: William X Walsh [mailto:william@wxsoft.info]
|> Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2001 11:05 AM
|> Wednesday, Wednesday, December 05, 2001, 10:59:37 AM, 
|> Roeland Meyer wrote:
|> |>> Does this imply that you have direct proof that the e-mail 
|> |>> entity known as jwkckid1@ix.netcom.com has an actual existence?  
|> > I am getting sooo tired of this. You dial the number and 
|> he answers the
|> > phone. He even passes the turing test. Beyond that, I will 
|> not certify. But,
|> > if we pretend at all to be inclusive then you cannot ignore Jeff's
|> > existance. He, at least, is a living breathing soul.
|> Who also plays under many different aliases, who have been 
|> banned from
|> this list under the rules.
|> He's a charlatan and only plays games with these forums, taking the
|> position most likely to help him play his games with his multiple
|> personalities, and like Fleming, tell as many lies as possible while
|> doing it.

... and this is different from ICANN staff? How?
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