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[ga] Re: [icann-announce] ASO General Assembly 2002 and Call for Nominations for ICANN Board of Directors

  • To: "[ga]" <ga@dnso.org>
  • Subject: [ga] Re: [icann-announce] ASO General Assembly 2002 and Call for Nominations for ICANN Board of Directors
  • From: "Patrick Corliss" <patrick@quad.net.au>
  • Date: Fri, 7 Dec 2001 01:37:04 +1100
  • References: <bulk.14492.20011205193529@mailhub.icann.org>
  • Sender: owner-ga-full@dnso.org

To: ICANN Announcement List <icann-announce@icann.org>
Date: Wed, 5 Dec 2001 21:30:17 -0800

The Address Council of the Address Supporting Organisation is pleased to 
announce the 3rd ASO General Assembly meeting, to be held on Tuesday, 5 
March 2002 in Bangkok, Thailand. This meeting will be hosted by APNIC 
alongside APNIC's Open Policy Meeting, and will be open to all parties
with an interest in ASO policy matters. A detailed meeting agenda will 
be published in due course on the ASO web site, at

In compliance with the ASO MoU 
<http://www.aso.icann.org/docs/aso-mou.html>, the Address Council and
ICANN hereby call for nominations to the ICANN Board to fill vacant ASO 
seats on the ICANN Board. The first such seat scheduled to become 
vacant on 1 October 2002 is currently occupied by Mr. Rob Blokzijl. 
However, candidates nominated at this time may also be chosen to fill 
other seats that may become vacant before or after this time. Note that 
appointments to the ICANN board must satisfy the geographic diversity 
constraints specified in section 3c. of the ASO MoU.

Any individual may be nominated within this process, with the exception
of any official of a national government or a multinational entity
established by treaty or other agreement between national governments 
(ICANN Bylaws Art. V., Sec 5). Self-nominations are permitted.
Nominations should be sent by email to <secretariat@aso.icann.org> and 
should state the following details :

  A. Nominee details

  1. Full name
  2. Organisational affiliation
  3. Email address
  4. Physical address
  5. Country of residence
  6. Telephone contact
  7. Biography

  B. Details of nominating individual

  1. Full name
  2. Organisational affiliation
  3. Email address
  4. Country of residence

Nominations must be submitted in English and must be received by the ASO 
Secretariat before 0900 UTC, 6 February 2002 (30 days prior to the
General Assembly meeting). All nominees will be contacted via email to 
confirm their willingness to serve as an ICANN Director. If the nominee 
is not contactable via email then the nomination will not be confirmed, 
a nominee must explicitly confirm the nomination to the ASO Secretariat 
to be considered as a candidate.

All confirmed nominations will be listed on the ASO website (see 
<http://www.aso.icann.org>) as soon as they are confirmed. Those wishing
to express support for any individuals who have been nominated should 
use the "ICANN Board - Support of Nomination" Form which will be made 
available on the ASO website.

The list of nominated individuals and the supporting comments will be 
passed to the Address Council after all nominees are confirmed, and
prior to the General Assembly meeting on 5 March 2002.

More information regarding the ASO GA and nominations process will be 
posted on the ASO website <http://www.aso.icann.org> in due course.

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