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[ga] OBJECTION Re: Transfer TF elections

On 2001-12-11 11:34:12 -0500, DannyYounger@cs.com wrote to the DNSO 

>On December 5, I announced my resignation from the transfers task 
>force and asked members of the GA to indicate whether they had an 
>interest in the position.  It was stated that elections would 
>begin after a week's time. During the course of this week three 
>individuals have expressed their interest in this position: Jeff 
>Williams, Thomas Roessler, and Eric Dierker.

>Please begin an election.

>The winner will become the GA's representative to the Task Force. 
>The next runner-up will become an official non-voting observer to 
>the Task Force.  The last-place candidate will become an observer 
>if and only if the Task Force expands the number of allotted 
>observers (which has not yet happened, but which is a 


Danny: In the message announcing your resignation from your TF seat, 
there was not a single word on eventual observers being sent to the 
Task Force.  The only assumption one could derive from that message 
is that a SINGLE representative to the Task Force will be elected by 
the GA.

For this reason, the question how many observers shall be sent to 
the Transfers Task Force MUST either itself be subject to a vote of 
the members of the GA, or the GA MUST NOT send any GA observers to 
the TF. The runner-ups MUST NOT automatically become observers on 
the Task Force, just by an oukas of the GA's chair.

Quite frankly, I am NOT going to serve on the Transfer Task Force on 
the basis of an election which places me on that Task Force together 
with either Jeff Williams or Eric Dierker - be it due to the vote's 
outcome, or be it due to the way the ballot is prepared.

A GA which (either by vote or by action of its chair) places any of 
these two individuals on any task force as its representative or as 
an observer does not deserve ANY kind of representation in the ICANN 
consensus process.

Thomas Roessler                        http://log.does-not-exist.org/
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