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RE: [ga] Elections

|> From: Eric Dierker [mailto:eric@hi-tek.com]
|> Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 5:38 PM
|> Roeland Meyer wrote:
|> > Failing that, funding the GA is an awful lot like a 
|> > Mexican farmer expecting to get irrigation water 
|> > from the Colorado River. By the time it gets to him,
|> > it's a mud trickle ... barely damp ground. Both the 
|> > ICANN/BoD and the DNSO/NC are upstream and have dams 
|> > in place. Any money you put into that pipe will hit 
|> > those dams and be diverted, anywhere but to the 
|> > DNSO/GA. I hope that your money sources realize that.
|> >
|> > Are they planning to do like Markle and fund 
|> > individuals directly? If so, that's about the only 
|> > way it'll happen and for that to work, they'd have to
|> > be non-specific as to whom gets funded.
|> This looks to me to be the only way to get it done.  "a 
|> stipend for the person(s) fulfilling the role of the Chair(s)
|> of the GA."  There would have to be assurances against 
|> directing the activities of said chairs.
|> So then Roeland gets elected Chair, now someone would be 
|> able to gift to him. If you get ten at ten thousand you 
|> could actually make it a full time job.  

Four ICANN meetings per year, at $1000 "freight and storage" (travel and
hotel)expenses each, come out to $4000 per year. This is just to meet the
ICANN travel expenses and support for the mandatory trips of the GA chair.
IMHO, this is the main reason no one wants to step up to that plate. In
addition, Roberto brought out another point last year. The GA chair,
traveling to all of these meetings, would be burning all of their personal
vacation time, unless their employer gave them leave time, or they owned
their own business. Such leave time is usually unpaid, therefore we are also
talking about four weeks loss of income, per year. This is a serious loss,
of quality time and income, for their families. 

This is assuming that they are a salaried employee somewhere. BTW, whilst
most Europeans can get 4 weeks vacation, very few Americans can. This can
easily be monetized to $1-2K per trip. On the low side, this would all total
out at $8,000 per year. $10,000 would be a more adequate figure, for ONE
person's expenses, IMHO. At that level, they are still not covering their
day-to-day expenses, nor are they eating much at all. It is still not
funding a full-time commitment. Rather, only the actual ICANN

|> I would rather split the funding between two chairs and 
|> also use more of the money for expenses. Or even a third 
|> that could actually act as a parliamentarian.

Personally, as I have stated before, I can see justification for a advocate
(speaker) and a consensus builder(chair-person). I can also see them as
full-time jobs. I can also see a Secretariate and some admin staff(1-2) but,
not full-time.
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