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FW: RE: [ga] Alt.root'ers resorting to spam?

---------------------Forward Begin-----------------------
From: steinle@smartvia.de
Sent: Wed Dec 12 13:10:02 CET 2001
To: fhlee@tm.net.my
Subject: RE: [ga] Alt.root'ers resorting to spam?
> Hi,
> 	I'm a dumb fellow and this is enlightening... wow... 
Your welcome ;-)

I didn't know that you
> cannot trademark Apple for computer!.  I guess that's why they have
> Machintosh ... :-)  This is really interesting.
--> I wrote: 'Same thing with apple or orange: You [!!!]can[!!!] trademark 
apple for computers...'

> So, if I own www.stargate.com.my and I don't sell anything related to the
> movie (StarGate), I'm ok?
--> Yes. But I think you this not new to you.

But I wouldn't try to use a domain name 'apple.gTLD/ccTLD. Such trademarks 
like apple are well know, therefore Apple Comp. Inc. would say 'you delute my 


> ============
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-ga@dnso.org [mailto:owner-ga@dnso.org]On Behalf Of
> steinle@smartvia.de
> Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 6:39 PM
> To: jp@ADNS.NET; ga@dnso.org
> Subject: Re: [ga] Alt.root'ers resorting to spam?
> > We chase him around the world and he just keeps popping up other
> > places. Like Leah said, one day he'll run out of ISP's.
> > FYI: ADNS has a trademark on '.USA' and no its not prohibited
> > to get a trademark on a TLD - more ICANN FUD.
> > John
> Why don't you folks get it?
> Maybe you could trademark '.USA' for socks or for toilett paper but not for
> TLDs.
> http://tarr.uspto.gov/servlet/tarr?regser=serial&entry=78094748&action=Reque
> st+Status
> Same thing with apple or orange: You can trademark apple for computers and
> orange for a mobile phone company.
> Compare this case:
> One bad guy wanted to trademark some future premium domain names. He filed
> e.g. two applications for 'sex.shop'. One for internet related goods and
> services (
> http://tarr.uspto.gov/servlet/tarr?regser=serial&entry=76031958&action=Reque
> st+Status ) and one for 'skin tanning preparations, namely tanning oils'
> (http://tarr.uspto.gov/servlet/tarr?regser=serial&entry=+76092746&action=Req
> uest+Status ).
> He won't get the TM for internet related goods and services but he already
> got the TM for skin tanning preparations, namely tanning oils.
> With the TM 'sex.shop' for tanning oil (LoL) he wanted to reverse hijack my
> domain name registered with new.net (I got some threats via e-mail and
> phone).
> http://www.new.net/search_whois.tp?domain=sex&tld=shop
> But as long as I don't sell tanning oil on www.sex.shop (LoL) I won't lose
> my domain. ;-)
> What should this analogy tell you?
> Don't waste your money at the TM office. ;-)
> Regards,
> Simon
> http://nic.pro.xs2.net <-- get your professional dotPRO domain now!
> http://nic.info.xs2.net <-- get 100% visibility
> --
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